A modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements.
- 1
Add screenshots
#741 opened by jtagcat - 0
Support for Telegram notification number in systray
#761 opened by boussou - 3
Couldn't add apt repository on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
#758 opened by RaniAgus - 2
GTK4 support
#756 opened by jonathonf - 3
Dark version no longer accessible in Gnome 3.30
#732 opened by acerspyro - 12
Theme parsing error: gtk-dark.css:9381:21: Not using units is deprecated. Assuming 'px'.
#757 opened by Alexander-Shukaev - 0
Mate Menu support (GTK3)
#730 opened by darkshram - 1
Window Maker theme?
#744 opened by regeya - 1
numix theme for snap
#749 opened by krishnaTORQUE - 4
Numix Lightdm theme broken on Debian Buster 10.3 Xfce 4.12 & Xubuntu Xfce 4.14
#752 opened by c1ph3rl1nux - 3
- 3
Transparent background in GNOME 40 applications
#755 opened by piegamesde - 6
xfce notification theme broken
#743 opened by fish47 - 9
Numix theme broken in Debian Buster 10.3 Xfce 4.12 & Xubuntu Xfce 4.14 Desktop
#742 opened by c1ph3rl1nux - 2
Fix Whisker Menu
#750 opened - 4
Bad location bar in Nautilus with GNOME 3.30
#721 opened by ogarcia - 1
2.6.7 is not tagged in master branch
#747 opened by jonathonf - 5
"Ubuntu Software" with transparent background
#745 opened by AyoubMKDM - 7
Bad bottom window border rendering
#704 opened by dccoder84 - 3
Laptop Variant
#746 opened by MischievousTomato - 1
Missing window borders in Gnome 3.28
#716 opened by ThatLarsGuy - 1
- 10
[important] Ruby Sass is deprecated
#734 opened - 18
Context Menu Icons Are Stuck in the Dark Theme
#736 opened by mknepper - 4
ArchLinux package has been removed from repositories
#737 opened by Ferdi265 - 1
Xfce widgets moved to Gtk 3 and need an update
#739 opened by dccoder84 - 3
Ubuntu 18.04 with xfce4 session: Numix theme is not applied to window borders
#711 opened by chudur-budur - 4
Broken and inconsistent CSS in Gnome 3.32
#735 opened by BlueGoliath - 0
slider circle color
#733 opened by medmedin2014 - 7
Ugly fonts/colors after switching to Xubuntu 18.04
#718 opened by tawmoto - 1
Numix-Square checkboxes not clear
#731 opened by grahamdavies - 4
Changing the selected tab text color
#729 opened by tawmoto - 2
- 3
Menu height item is too much big
#727 opened by medmedin2014 - 0
Cannot grab scrollbar in maximized window
#726 opened by medmedin2014 - 0
- 0
- 2
GTK 3.22 :: Nemo :: Tab drag & drop highlight
#723 opened by Sadi58 - 1
Issue with the Blue variant with Python
#722 opened by FlorentLM - 12
make install fails on *BSD systems
#713 opened by DarkKirb - 6
menuitem-checkbox-unchecked does not exist
#717 opened by baeza - 1
Install It: Distro Packages: Gentoo
#715 opened by hartwork - 1
Provide a dark variant officially
#710 opened by bianjp - 1
Moving to Gitlab
#712 opened - 2
- 1
Checked / Unchecked and Gtk Radio Menu should use unique symbol rather than different shade
#707 opened by slacka - 3
Blue version request
#705 opened by GM-Script-Writer-62850 - 3
- 2
Scrollbars in Firefox barely visible
#701 opened by nioncode - 1
Ubuntu 17.10: Top bar is not themed correctly
#700 opened by jpaszek