
Numix theme broken in Debian Buster 10.3 Xfce 4.12 & Xubuntu Xfce 4.14 Desktop

c1ph3rl1nux opened this issue · 9 comments

The Numix theme is not rendering correctly in Debian 10.3 Xfce 4.12 & Xubuntu Xfce 4.14 desktop.The side pane in thunar should be grey.
Any idea how this can be fixed?

Screenshot from 2020-03-27 17-53-49

Looks like it affects multiple users. See Ubuntu bug report here:

Is it gtk2 or gtk3 ?

Thunar is gtk3 now and doesn't provide any node to overwrite the sidebar color from theme.

But the the stock themes work just fine, greybird's side pane in thunar is light blue. It's only Numix that's broken. See screenshot below.

@khurshid-alam I have examined different themes with the correct sidebar colors with styles for scrolledwindow.sidebar, treeview.view and scrolledwindow.shortcuts-pane. This is an example of how this issue could be solved:

.thunar {

// Here goes miscellaneous unneeded(?) code for the rest of thunar layout:
// toolbar.horizontal button image { ... }
// scrolledwindow.standard-view { ... }
// toolbar { ... }

  scrolledwindow.sidebar treeview.view {
    background: $dark_sidebar_bg;
    color: $dark_sidebar_fg;
    &:selected, &:active {
      background: $selected_bg_color;
      color: $selected_fg_color;

  scrolledwindow.shortcuts-pane {
    border-top-width: 0;

Just needs to replace $dark_sidebar_bg, $dark_sidebar_fg, $selected_bg_color and $selected_fg_color with the right values for Numix from _colors.scss and then add it to src/gtk-3.*/scss/apps/_xfce.scss.

$selected_bg_color --> $theme_selected_bg_color (?)
$selected_fg_color --> $theme_selected_fg_color (?)
$dark_sidebar_bg --> $bg_color (?)
$dark_sidebar_fg --> $fg_color (?)

Thanks. Can you open a pull requests ?

@khurshid-alam I'm going to test it first. Please, I need to know which values to use instead of $dark_sidebar_bg, $dark_sidebar_fg, $selected_bg_color and $selected_fg_color. Are the ones I tried to guess at the end of my post the right ones?

$selected_bg_color --> $theme_selected_bg_color (?)
$selected_fg_color --> $theme_selected_fg_color (?)
$dark_sidebar_bg --> $bg_color (?)
$dark_sidebar_fg --> $fg_color (?)

I have tested it. Seems to work, at least with gtk+-3.24.28. Seems fixed. I think this needs testing with gtk+-3.22/3.20 versions. Hope @c1ph3rl1nux may help testing.

Captura de pantalla_2021-04-02_08-02-01

Captura de pantalla_2021-04-02_07-22-33

So far, just created new file as src/gtk-3.20/scss/apps/_thunar.scss with this content:

@include exports("thunar") {
.thunar {
  scrolledwindow.sidebar treeview.view {
    background: $bg_color;
    color: $fg_color;
    &:selected, &:active {
      background: $selected_bg_color;
      color: $selected_fg_color;

  scrolledwindow.shortcuts-pane {
    border-top-width: 1;

And then added the following to src/gtk-3.20/scss/_widgets.scss, just before the line with @import "apps/xfce";:

@import "apps/thunar";

Repeated the same for gtk-3.0 folder and then executed make && make install.

Here is the preliminary patch:

Will test more and see if something else is needed and then will do a pull request.

Thanks for the fix. Works like a charm!