
Pixel line visible between CSD header bar and menu bar

Opened this issue · 3 comments

CSD header bars have a border at the bottom with 1 pixel in size which has a different color than the menu or header bar.

As a workaround one can set this code into ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css:

headerbar {border-bottom-width: 0px;}

I tested this with Xubuntu 21.04 which ships with Gtk version 3.24.25.

The picture below shows mousepad version 0.5.5:


Maybe it's a Gtk issue because even the Adwaita Dark theme has the same issue but less obvious. Below is a screenshot of a window with the Adwaita Dark theme when the window hasn't focus. What do you think?

adwaita dark

The border is to differentiate headerbar with menubar. Isn'r global menu enabled by default on xfce? Also note that numix port to gtk-3 of xfce widgets hasn't finished yet.

When this border is on purpose then why isn't it visible on SSD titlebars? Also from a visual design perspective I think the windows without this border look much better.