
Code for CVPR 2021 oral paper "Exploring Data-Efficient 3D Scene Understanding with Contrastive Scene Contexts"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Exploring Data-Efficient 3D Scene Understanding with Contrastive Scene Contexts

The rapid progress in 3D scene understanding has come with growing demand for data; however, collecting and annotating 3D scenes (e.g. point clouds) are notoriously hard. For example, the number of scenes (e.g. indoor rooms) that can be accessed and scanned might be limited; even given sufficient data, acquiring 3D labels (e.g. instance masks) requires intensive human labor. In this paper, we explore data-efficient learning for 3D point cloud. As a first step towards this direction, we propose Contrastive Scene Contexts, a 3D pre-training method that makes use of both point-level correspondences and spatial contexts in a scene. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results on a suite of benchmarks where training data or labels are scarce. Our study reveals that exhaustive labelling of 3D point clouds might be unnecessary; and remarkably, on ScanNet, even using 0.1% of point labels, we still achieve 89% (instance segmentation) and 96% (semantic segmentation) of the baseline performance that uses full annotations.

[CVPR 2021 Paper] [Video] [Project Page] [ScanNet Data-Efficient Benchmark]


This codebase was tested with the following environment configurations.

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • CUDA 10.2
  • GCC 7.3.0
  • Python 3.7.7
  • PyTorch 1.5.1
  • MinkowskiEngine v0.4.3


We use conda for the installation process:

# Install virtual env and PyTorch
conda create -n sparseconv043 python=3.7
conda activate sparseconv043
conda install pytorch==1.5.1 torchvision==0.6.1 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

# Complie and install MinkowskiEngine 0.4.3.
conda install mkl mkl-include -c intel
wget https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine/archive/refs/tags/v0.4.3.zip
cd MinkowskiEngine-0.4.3 
python setup.py install

Next, download Contrastive Scene Contexts git repository and install the requirement from the root directory.

git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/ContrastiveSceneContexts.git
cd ContrastiveSceneContexts
pip install -r requirements.txt

Our code also depends on PointGroup and PointNet++.

# Install OPs in PointGroup by:
conda install -c bioconda google-sparsehash
cd downstream/insseg/lib/bfs/ops
python setup.py build_ext --include-dirs=YOUR_ENV_PATH/include
python setup.py install

# Install PointNet++
cd downstream/votenet/models/backbone/pointnet2
python setup.py install

Pre-training on ScanNet

Data Pre-processing

For pre-training, one can generate ScanNet Pair data by following code (need to change the TARGET and SCANNET_DIR accordingly in the script).

cd pretrain/scannet_pair

This piece of code first extracts pointcloud from partial frames, and then computes a filelist of overlapped partial frames for each scene. Generate a combined txt file called overlap30.txt of filelists of each scene by running the code

cd pretrain/scannet_pair
python generate_list.py --target_dir TARGET

This overlap30.txt should be put into folder TARGET/splits.


Our codebase enables multi-gpu training with distributed data parallel (DDP) module in pytorch. To train ContrastiveSceneContexts with 8 GPUs (batch_size=32, 4 per GPU) on a single server:

cd pretrain/contrastive_scene_contexts
# Pretrain with SparseConv backbone
OUT_DIR=./output DATASET=ROOT_PATH_OF_DATA scripts/pretrain_sparseconv.sh
# Pretrain with PointNet++ backbone
OUT_DIR=./output DATASET=ROOT_PATH_OF_DATA scripts/pretrain_pointnet2.sh

ScanNet Downstream Tasks

Data Pre-Processing

We provide the code for pre-processing the data for ScanNet downstream tasks. One can run following code to generate the training data for semantic segmentation and instance segmentation. We use SCANNET_DATA to refer where scannet data lives and SCANNET_OUT_PATH to denote the output path of processed scannet data.

# Edit path variables: SCANNET_DATA and SCANNET_OUT_PATH
cd downstream/semseg/lib/datasets/preprocessing/scannet
python collect_indoor3d_data.py --input SCANNET_DATA --output SCANNET_OUT_PATH
# copy the filelists
cp -r split SCANNET_OUT_PATH

For ScanNet detection data generation, please refer to VoteNet ScanNet Data. Run command to soft link the generated detection data (located in PATH_DET_DATA) to following location:

# soft link detection data
cd downstream/det/
ln -s PATH_DET_DATA datasets/scannet/scannet_train_detection_data

For Data-Efficient Learning, download the scene_list and points_list as well as bbox_list from ScanNet Data-Efficient Benchmark. To Active Selection for points_list, run following code:

# Get features per point
cd downstream/semseg/
DATAPATH=SCANNET_DATA LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/inference_features.sh
# run k-means on feature space
cd lib
python sampling_points.py --point_data SCANNET_OUT_PATH --feat_data PATH_CHECKPOINT

Semantic Segmentation

We provide code for the semantic segmentation experiments conducted in our paper. Our code supports multi-gpu training. To train with 8 GPUs on a single server,

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/semseg/

For Limited Scene Reconstruction, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/semseg/

For Limited Points Annotation, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/semseg/

Model Zoo

We also provide our pre-trained checkpoints (and log file) for reference. You can evalutate our pre-trained model by running code:

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to downloaded pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/semseg/
Training Data mIoU (val) Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization) Logs Curves Model
1% scenes 29.3 download link link link
5% scenes 45.4 download link link link
10% scenes 59.5 download link link link
20% scenes 64.1 download link link link
100% scenes 73.8 download link link link
20 points 53.8 download link link link
50 points 62.9 download link link link
100 points 66.9 download link link link
200 points 69.0 download link link link

Instance Segmentation

We provide code for the instance segmentation experiments conducted in our paper. Our code supports multi-gpu training. To train with 8 GPUs on a single server,

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/

For Limited Scene Reconstruction, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/

For Limited Points Annotation, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/

For ScanNet Benchmark, run following code (train on train+val and evaluate on val):

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/
DATAPATH=SCANNET_OUT_PATH LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/train_scannet_benchmark.sh

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained checkpoints (and log file) for reference. You can evalutate our pre-trained model by running code:

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/insseg/

For submitting to ScanNet Benchmark with our pre-trained model, run following command (the submission file is located in output/benchmark_instance):

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/insseg/
DATAPATH=SCANNET_DATA LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/test_scannet_benchmark.sh
Training Data mAP@0.5 (val) Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization) Logs Curves Model
1% scenes 12.3 download link link link
5% scenes 33.9 download link link link
10% scenes 45.3 download link link link
20% scenes 49.8 download link link link
100% scenes 59.4 download link link link
20 points 27.2 download link link link
50 points 35.7 download link link link
100 points 43.6 download link link link
200 points 50.4 download link link link
train + val 76.5 (64.8 on test) download link link link

3D Object Detection

We provide the code for 3D Object Detection downstream task. The code is adapted directly fron VoteNet. Additionally, we provide two backones, namely PointNet++ and SparseConv. To fine-tune the downstream task, run following command:

cd downstream/votenet/
# train sparseconv backbone
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/train_scannet.sh
# train pointnet++ backbone
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/train_scannet_pointnet.sh

For Limited Scene Reconstruction, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/votenet/
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT TRAIN_FILE=PATH_SCENE_LIST ./scripts/data_efficient/by_Scentrain_scannet.sh

For Limited Bbox Annotation, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/votenet/

For submitting to ScanNet Data-Efficient Benchmark, you can set "test.write_to_bencmark=True" in "downstream/votenet/scripts/test_scannet.sh" or "downstream/votenet/scripts/test_scannet_pointnet.sh"

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained checkpoints (and log file) for reference. You can evaluate our pre-trained model by running following code.

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/votenet/
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/test_scannet.sh
Training Data mAP@0.5 (val) mAP@0.25 (val) Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization) Logs Curves Model
10% scenes 9.9 24.7 download link link link
20% scenes 21.4 41.4 download link link link
40% scenes 29.5 52.0 download link link link
80% scenes 36.3 56.3 download link link link
100% scenes 39.3 59.1 download link link link
100% scenes (PointNet++) 39.2 62.5 download link link link
1 bboxes 10.9 24.5 download link link link
2 bboxes 18.5 36.5 download link link link
4 bboxes 26.1 45.9 download link link link
7 bboxes 30.4 52.5 download link link link

Stanford 3D (S3DIS) Fine-tuning

Data Pre-Processing

We provide the code for pre-processing the data for Stanford3D (S3DIS) downstream tasks. One can run following code to generate the training data for semantic segmentation and instance segmentation.

# Edit path variables, STANFORD_3D_OUT_PATH
cd downstream/semseg/lib/datasets/preprocessing/stanford
python stanford.py

Semantic Segmentation

We provide code for the semantic segmentation experiments conducted in our paper. Our code supports multi-gpu training. To fine-tune with 8 GPUs on a single server,

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/semseg/

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained model and log file for reference. You can evalutate our pre-trained model by running code:

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/semseg/
Training Data mIoU (val) Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization) Logs Curves Model
100% scenes 72.2 download link link link

Instance Segmentation

We provide code for the instance segmentation experiments conducted in our paper. Our code supports multi-gpu training. To fine-tune with 8 GPUs on a single server,

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/insseg/

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained model and log file for reference. You can evaluate our pre-trained model by running code:

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/insseg/
Training Data mAP@0.5 (val) Pre-trained Model Used (for initialization) Logs Curves Model
100% scenes 63.4 download link link link

SUN-RGBD Fine-tuning

Data Pre-Processing

For SUN-RGBD detection data generation, please refer to VoteNet SUN-RGBD Data. To soft link generated SUN-RGBD detection data (SUN_RGBD_DATA_PATH) to following location, run the command:

cd downstream/det/datasets/sunrgbd
# soft link 
link -s SUN_RGBD_DATA_PATH/sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_train sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_train
link -s SUN_RGBD_DATA_PATH/sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_val sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_val

3D Object Detection

We provide the code for 3D Object Detection downstream task. The code is adapted directly fron VoteNet. To fine-tune the downstream task, run following code:

# Edit relevant path variables and then run:
cd downstream/votenet/
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/train_sunrgbd.sh

Model Zoo

We provide our pre-trained checkpoints (and log file) for reference. You can load our pre-trained model by setting the pre-trained model path to PATH_CHECKPOINT.

# PATH_CHECKPOINT points to pre-trained model path:
cd downstream/votenet/
LOG_DIR=./output PRETRAIN=PATH_CHECKPOINT ./scripts/test_sunrgbd.sh
Training Data mAP@0.5 (val) mAP@0.25 (val) Pre-trained Model (initialization) Logs Curves Model
100% scenes 36.4 58.9 download link link link

Citing our paper

  title={Exploring data-efficient 3d scene understanding with contrastive scene contexts},
  author={Hou, Ji and Graham, Benjamin and Nie{\ss}ner, Matthias and Xie, Saining},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


Contrastive Scene Contexts is relased under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.