
#What's you need to know before reading

  • git
  • docker
  • SSH
  • Django (Optional, The sample uses django)

#Basic idea The basic idea of online development runtime presents on frankwang.cn ##Architecture overview

#Prepare ##Create a VM on cloud For running the cloud runtime, I create one VM on cloud. ###Digital ocean Digital ocean is a good choice to create the VM, as it's very simple.

Click here to Digital ocean guide

##Install docker on VM Development runtime is running in a docker container, the docker needs to be installed on the VM.

Click here to docker installation guide

##Install git on laptop I use git to synchronized code between local and online runtime.

Click here to download git

##Install SSH client on laptop I need to login my VM by SSH client. Below are two options:

I prefer MobaXterm, as it provides more powerful tools

#Initialize online runtime ##Build a bare git repository image and run it As a way to synchronized my local code to online rumtime is need, I create a bare git repository docker-image which could be accessed by my SSH key.

###Clone yanqiw/gitsyn repo On the VM:

cd /to/your/workspace
git clone https://github.com/yanqiw/gitsyn

####Add your public ssh key On the VM:

cd gitsyn
mv sshkeys/authorized_keys.sample sshkeys/authorized_keys 
echo path/your/sshpubilckey > sshkeys/authorized_keys

####Build Image On the VM:

docker build -t project-name-git-repo .

'project-name' could be your project name. ####Run the image On the VM:

docker run --name project-name-git -v your/host/workdir:/workspace -p YOUR_HOST_PORT:22 project-name-git-repo

YOUR_HOST_PORT should not be 22, as the 22 already be used by the host SSH service.

your/host/workdir should be a folder on the VM, such as /workspace/code

For example: you can use 2233

docker run --name project-name-git -v your/host/workdir:/workspace -p 2233:22 project-name-git-repo

You can refer to yanqiw/gitsyn for more details.

##Add remote git repository to local git On laptop:

cd /to/project/folder
git remote add runtime ssh://git@YOUR_DOMAIN:YOUR_HOST_PORT/repo/runtime.git
  • YOUR_DOMAIN is your VM domain, if you don't have a domain for your VM, you can use ixp.io for your domain, or you can use IP of your VM
  • YOUR_HOST_PORT is the port on your VM which you open for the git-repo container

##Build development runtime ###Dockerfile For customized development runtime, I create a Dockerfile for build runtime, and it also be used build deployment package.

####Example This example builds a django runtime. Create a Dockerfile in the django project, and copy below code in.


FROM python:2.7
RUN mkdir /code
ADD requirements.txt /code/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ADD . /code/

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
		mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev \
		postgresql-client libpq-dev \
		sqlite3 \
		gcc \
	--no-install-recommends && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*


CMD ["python", "manage.py", "runserver", ""]

Create a 'requirements.txt' file to store the project dependency.



###Push code to VM As I already initialized the remote git repository, I could push the Dockerfile to VM, and build runtime image on cloud.

cd /to/project/folder
git commit -am "Add dockerfile"
git push runtime master

###Build runtime on VM On the VM:

cd /to/project/folder
docker build -t django-rest-runtime .

###Run the container On the VM:

cd /to/project/folder
docker run --name project-runtime -p 8000:8000 -v "$PWD":/code -d django-rest-runtime

'-v "$PWD":/code' is used to attach the code to container.

#Development ##Edit code and commit to online runtime I can open a IDE, such as sublime text to edit my code. After edited, I commit the code to local git and push to remote, and check the result on cloud development runtime.

###Auto push to remote after commit As every changes need to be push to remote git repository, I create a git hook to push the code to remote after commit in my local git.

In your project folder:

cd .git/hooks
touch post-commit
echo '#!/bin/bash' >> post-commit
echo 'git push runtime master' >> post-commit

##Logs For now, I still need to login the VM to check the logs of runtime

##Debug TODO, need to find the way to add break point into runtime

#Deploy For now, I used docker build code, and deploy the image to production server. However, there are many good DevOps tool to manage deployment.