
Automated data search in the KNApSAcK database

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Automated data search in the KNApSAcK database

KNApSAcK Change

February 17, 2020. KNApSAcK changed and KnapsackSearch had to change accordingly.

See family_from_web.py and compounds.py for details.


KNApSAcK is a highly useful source of information about natural products, which is accessible through a web interface.

The goal of the KnapsackSearch python scripts is to create an SDF structure file with molecules related to one or more genera of living organisms, typically those from the same botanical family.

All associations between all organism names and compounds for all given genera names are searched in KNApSAcK through the web and a list of compounds is established.

Data are then extracted from KNApSAcK for each compound, such as elemental formula, atomic, mass, one of more names, SMILES and InChI character strings.

The SMILES character strings are processed by RDKit to create a single SDF file that also contains 2D atomic coordinates.

Each compound is associated to a list of carbon-13 NMR chemical shifts predicted by nmrshiftdb2 under the NMRSHIFTDB2_ASSIGNMENT SDF tag.

The whole KnapsackSearch process transforms the file familyname_genera.txt into the file familyname_knapsack.sdf. See file data_flow.txt and comments in the python scripts for the content of the eight intermediate files.

The molecules built from SMILES strings are converted to InChI strings. The molecules for which this recalculated InChI string is different from the original one are discarded from the final result file. Discrepancies seem to arise from atom configuration differences.


Install rdkit from Anaconda as recommended in https://www.rdkit.org/docs/Install.html, if not already done.

Install the python requests module from the rdkit environment (conda install requests)

Install a Java runtime environment (jre) if not already done.

See below section MyInstallation for updated installation instructions.

Linux and Mac: Replace process.py by MacLinux/process.py and predictSdf.bat by MacLinux/predictSdf. Ensure that the script file predictSdf has execution permission.

Notepad++ is the recommended text editor for Windows.


The user of KnapsackSearch first creates a file named familyname_genera.txt, so that familyname stands for the nickname of a botanical family such as 'papaver' for the family of Papaveracea.

The file familyname_genera.txt may contain lines of three kinds:

  1. Blank lines, considered as a comment
  2. Lines that start with a # sign, considered as a comment
  3. Lines with a single word, standing for a genus name, starting with an upper-case letter (A-Z)

Enter command python -m process familyname from the rdkit environment. As an example run python -m process papaver to collect data about compounds reported in KNApSAcK from Papaveraceae, according to the list of genera written in file papaver_genera.txt. On April 9, 2020, the resulting papaver_knapsack.sdf file contained 458 molecules. Other examples can be found in the Examples directory.

The list of genera that belong to a given family can be found by means of the NCBI Taxonomy tool.

The viewing of molecular structures and their attributes in SDF files is conveniently achieved by means of the EdiSDF software.


A compound name may be assigned to two different compounds


nmrshiftdb2 implementation would not have been possible without the inspiration and help from Pr. Christoph Steinbeck (University of Jena, Germany) and Dr. Stefan Kuhn (De Monfort University, Leicester, UK).



Fake_ACD creates SDF files with 13C NMR chemical shifts predicted by nmrshiftdb2 and formatted to be read by ACD software to produce databases with molecular structures and 13C NMR data.


Any recent python interpreter should work. No need for a particular environment.

The Fake_ACD_Results directory contains the files produced by the following tests.


See SDFrw for sdfrw.py.

python -m sdfrw quercetin2D.sdf

creates copied_quercetin2D.sdf, a copy of quercetin2D.sdf.

This test can be skipped and is only there to ensure that the following ones will have a chance to succeed.


python -m addnmrsdb quercetin2D.sdf

creates nmrsdb_quercetin2D.sdf, a copy of quercetin2D.sdf with added chemical shifts values from nmrshiftdb2.

Input files to addnmrsdb.py are .sdf files with 2D coordinates (z atom coordinates are 0) with possible information about configuration of stereocenters.

Output files from addnmrsdb.py are .sdf files with an added NMRSHIFTDB2_ASSIGNMENT tag and value lines, one per carbon atom, formatted like 8, 105.34 \, stating that carbon 8 (indexing starts at 1) has an nmrshiftdb2-predicted chemical shift value of 105.34 ppm.


python -m fakeACD nmrsdb_quercetin2D.sdf

creates fake_acd_nmrsdb_quercetin2D.sdf, a copy of nmrsdb_quercetin2D.sdf with original chemical shifts values from nmrshiftdb2 formatted in the style of addnmrsdb.py and reformatted under the CNMR_SHIFTS tag.

File fake_acd_nmrsdb_quercetin2D.sdf can be imported to an ACD DB to produce database file fake_acd_nmrsdb_quercetin2D.NMRUDB.

fakeACD.py can process output files from KnapsackSearch.


python -m fakefakeACD quercetin2D.sdf

creates fake_acd_quercetin2D.sdf, a copy of quercetin2D.sdf with very fake (99.99) chemical shifts values in the style of addnmrsdb.py and reformatted under the CNMR_SHIFTS tag.

File fake_acd_quercetin2D.sdf can be imported to an ACD DB to produce database file fake_acd_quercetin2D.NMRUDB.


python -m rdcharge filename.sdf filename_elec.sdf

creates filename_elec.sdf from filename.sdf. This is necessary when .sdf files from RDKit are produced to be read by ACD software. rdcharge.py corrects the description of electrically charged atom, for which RDKit issues a non-zero valence information field that is not correctly interpreted by ACD and inhibits the prediction of chemical shift values. rdcharge.py is included in the script process.py of KnapsackSearch.

python -m rdcharge filename.sdf

applies an in-place correction.


python -m uniqInChI filename.sdf filename_uniq.sdf

creates filename_uniq.sdf from filename.sdf. This is necessary when .sdf files contain duplicate compounds, according to the corresponding InChI.

python -m uniqInChI filename.sdf

applies an in-place elimination of duplicates.


python -m tautomer filename.sdf filename_tauto.sdf

creates filename_tauto.sdf from filename.sdf in which tautomer correction was applied. Among others aliphatic iminols are converted to amides.

python -m tautomer filename.sdf

applies an in-place conversion of tautomers.

Quick ACD DB with calculated experimental 13C NMR data

The use of the related files, in directory CNMR_Predict requires the availability of ACD/Labs CNMR Predictor and DB.


Transformation of a .smi file containing SMILES chains and compound names separated by a single space (.smi file with 1 line per compound) into a database (ACD DB) with "experimental" 13C NMR chemical shifts determined by ACD prediction.

The python script smi2ACD.py processes a .smi file to produre a minimal .sdf file in which the structures can be imported in an ACD Database. The python script CNMR_predict.py transforms a .sdf file with calculated chemical shift values from ACD/Lasbs DB into another .sdf file in which the calculated values replace the supposedly experimental ones. See section for Example 1, hereafter.

The python scripts smi2ACD.py and CNMR_predict.py may be used independently for other purposes. Note that smi2ACD.py assigns 99.99 as a placeholder for the experimental chemical shift value of all carbon atoms. More realistic values, from nmrshiftdb2, may be obtained by action of 'addnmrsdb.py' on a .sdf file.

The combination of KnapsackSearch (process.py) and fakeACD.py produces .sdf files that can be processed by CNMR_predict.py. The resulting files contain 13C NMR chemical shifts calculated by nmrshiftdb2 and by ACD. See section for Example 2, hereafter.

CNMR_predict.py produces a .sdf compound library file with tags compatible with its use by the MixONat software, described in this publication. The action of ACD_to_DerepCrude.py on a .sdf file with 13C chemical shifts formatted for ACD produces a .sdf file suitable with a use by the DerepCrude software, described in this publication.

Example 1

The example file small.smi contains 2 lines, one for quercetin and the other one for resveratrol. Their SMILES chains were copied from Wikipedia.

See tutorial_CNMR_Predict.pdf for detailed explanations.

Running the example requires an RDKit environment.

  1. python -m smi2ACD small.smi fake_acd_small.sdf
  2. Create DB fake_acd_small.NMRUDB and import fake_acd_small.sdf
  3. Calculate 13C NMR chemical shifts in ACD/Labs DB: Database->Tools->Check Chemical Shifts
  4. Export DB as fake_acd_small_exported.sdf
  5. python -m CNMR_predict fake_acd_small_exported.sdf calc_acd_small.sdf copies calculated data as if they were experimental.
  6. Create DB calc_acd_small.NMRUDB and import calc_acd_small.sdf
  7. Calculate again 13C NMR chemical shifts: Database->Tools->Check Chemical Shifts

The last step is optional but shows that the "experimental" chemical shift values are the same as the calculated ones, obviously because they are calculated in the same way.

Files in directory Small_results were created from small.smi in the following order:

  1. fake_acd_small.sdf (requires RDKit and smi2ACD.py, step 1)
  2. fake_acd_small.NMRUDB (requires ACD software, steps 2 and 3)
  3. fake_acd_small_exported.sdf (requires ACD software, step 4)
  4. calc_acd_small.sdf (requires RDKit and CNMR_predict.py, step 5)
  5. calc_acd_small.NMRUDB (requires ACD software, steps 6 and 7)

Example 2

Starting for papaver_knapsack.sdf as obtained hereabove from papaver_genera.txt an ACD database with 13C chemical shifts from ACD may be produced as follows:

  1. python -m fakeACD.py papaver_knapsack.sdf creates fake_acd_papaver_knapsack.sdf
  2. Create DB fake_acd_papaver_ks.NMRUDB and import fake_acd_papaver_knapsack.sdf
  3. Calculate 13C NMR chemical shifts in ACD/Labs DB: Database->Tools->Check Chemical Shifts
  4. Export DB as fake_acd_papaver_ks_exported.sdf
  5. python -m CNMR_predict.py fake_acd_papaver_ks_exported.sdf calc_acd_papaver_ks.sdf copies calculated data as if they were experimental.
  6. Create DB calc_acd_papaver_ks.NMRUDB and import calc_acd_papaver_ks.sdf
  7. Calculate again 13C NMR chemical shifts: Database->Tools->Check Chemical Shifts

The last created sdf file, calc_acd_papaver_ks.sdf is stored in directory Papaver_result.


This directory reports the details of my computer installation relatively to python, nmrshiftdb and java.


This directory is about LOTUS, a natural product knowledge base. LOTUS might well supersede KNApSAcK.


KNApSAcK provides molecular structures selected according to biological taxonomy. These structures can be enriched with chemical taxonomy data from ClassyFire.

ClassyFire provides a chemical classification of compounds from the description of their molecular stucture. A Python Classyfire API can be downloaded from here. From a RDKit envivronment run python setup.py install to install the pyclassyfire package.

The classyfy.py module is a very simple wrapper around pyclassyfire. From directory Classyfire:

python -m classyfy flavonoids.sdf (call with 1 argument)

creates flavonoids_classified.sdf from flavonoids.sdf and

python -m classyfy flavonoids.sdf myfile.sdf (call with 2 arguments)

creates myfile.sdf from flavonoids.sdf.

Be patient. The resulting files look like SDF files but are syntactically incorrect and cannot be used directly.

python -m importClassyf flavonoids.sdf flavonoids_classified.sdf flavonoids_classified_merged.sdf (call with 3 arguments)

creates flavonoids_classified_merged.sdf, a copy of flavonoids.sdf to which classification data from flavonoids_classified.sdf is appended.

python -m importClassyf flavonoids.sdf flavonoids_classified.sdf (call with 2 arguments)

supplements flavonoids.sdf with classification data from flavonoids_classified.sdf. The original content of flavonoids.sdf is overwritten.

classyfy.py and importClassyf.py rely on SDFrw and not on RDKit for the handling of the SDF files.

See also pybatchclassyfire.