- 3
Maximising performance
#50 opened by wonk-andy - 3
- 9
I need rpmsg_env_specific.h to user rpmsg-lite (new version) with Yocto Kirkstone and Zephyr upstream
#48 opened by neuberfran - 2
- 5
Can I run rpmsg-lite with Yocto Hardkott Or Kirkstone Or Only with NXP downstream kernel?
#44 opened by neuberfran - 1
#46 opened by kmkorym - 4
RPMsg-Lite Bare Metal Example
#45 opened by wonk-andy - 1
[QUESTION]: Remote and master on the same core?
#39 opened by m42j - 1
[QUESTION]: Erpc and rpmsg port to embOS
#38 opened by FoujanetG - 3
[QUESTION] Environment porting unit-tests
#41 opened by ciscoski - 3
- 5
- 3
- 1
openamp compatibility?
#12 opened by infn-ke - 3
Message framentation?
#26 opened by infn-ke - 8
- 4
use env_rmb() is for what?
#29 opened by Hans5278 - 2
master and remote ping each other in freertos
#33 opened by hwwei521 - 4
who will set rpmsg_lite_dev->link_state to 1
#35 opened by hwwei521 - 6
Communicating with QNX
#34 opened by wonk-andy - 1
who will set rpmsg_lite_dev->link_state to 1
#36 opened by hwwei521 - 2
How to use the rpmsg-lite
#32 opened by hwwei521 - 19
Required shared memory size?
#23 opened by infn-ke - 2
Wrong comment or macro?
#24 opened by Hadatko - 4
- 5
Documentation link is broken.
#3 opened by MHesham - 2
- 2
rpmsg_lite_is_link_up return value
#22 opened by Hadatko - 2
- 1
Wrong function name or function implementation (env_create_mutex behave as semaphore)
#15 opened by Hadatko - 0
#13 opened by Hadatko - 6
- 9
RPMSG buffer size and buffer count
#17 opened by mtudan - 4
Update RL_BUFFER_COUNT Documentation
#10 opened by workzb - 2
Address translation is required if the shared memory space is differently mapped by the two cores
#9 opened by kpapak77 - 4
Request for various sample apps like OpenAMP
#4 opened by MHesham - 4
- 1
- 2
Issue with registering of interrupts
#5 opened by arpith99 - 1
Macro expansion bug in RL_ASSERT
#2 opened by G33KatWork