providing region doesn't work - output for whole-genome
complexgenome opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi there,
I'm interested to run lancet for CHR22
only. I provide bed file for whole-genome, but specify reg chr22. When I run, it runs for the whole-genome instead of just CHR22. BAM files are for whole-genome for tumor and normal.
Below is the command:
~/tools/lancet-1.0.7/lancet --tumor BM.tumor.ApplyBQSR.bam \
--normal BM_00.normal.ApplyBQSR.bam \
--ref GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa \
--bed Twist_Exome_Target_hg38.padded.interval_list.bed --reg chr22 --num-threads 6 > CHR22_CLN_21141794_BM_00.lancet.vcf
I provided bed file for two reasons: 1) see if lancet simply picks CHR22, only, or otherwise. 2) I wanted to avoid making 22 bed files.
Let me know if any other details are needed.
Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately it is not possible to mix the --bed and --reg options in the current implementation. They can only be used one at the time. If you use them both, like in your command, the --bed options takes priority over the other. I am afraid that your only option at this time is to indeed create multiple bed files for each chromosome.
Thanks Giuseppe.
It would be great to incorporate such feature in future release(s).
I'd be interested to contribute if possible and if you've bandwidth.