
Script for Analysis of single cell RNA-seq data

Primary LanguageR

Analysis of single cell RNA-seq data

List of software packages for single-cell RNA-seq analysis List of workflow and tutorials for single-cell RNA-seq analysis

Software packages

  • Monocle - [R] - Differential expression and time-series analysis for single-cell RNA-Seq.
  • scater - [R] - Scater places an emphasis on tools for quality control, visualisation and pre-processing of data before further downstream analysis, filling a useful niche between raw RNA-sequencing count or transcripts-per-million data and more focused downstream modelling tools such as monocle, scLVM, SCDE, edgeR, limma and so on.
  • Seurat - [R] - It contains easy-to-use implementations of commonly used analytical techniques, including the identification of highly variable genes, dimensionality reduction (PCA, ICA, t-SNE), standard unsupervised clustering algorithms (density clustering, hierarchical clustering, k-means), and the discovery of differentially expressed genes and markers.

Tutorials and workflows

Other study materials