
This repo consist of my project based on Udacity Sensor Fusion Nanodegree on 2D Image Feature tracking

Primary LanguageC++

Project 2: Camera 2D Image Feature Tracking

Sensor Fusion Nanodegree


1. MP.7 Performance Evaluation 1 (Detectors performance)

Number of Keypoints

Below is a list of keypoint detectors sorted in descending order based on the mean number of keypoints identified among 10 images.

413 272 166 138 118 115 24

Keypoint distribution vizualisation

The keypoints from SHITOMASI, HARRIS and FAST only have (x, y) position information, whereas from BRISK, ORB, AKAZE and SIFT include position, orientation and scale such as (x, y, σ, θ). Below is a gifs of sample keypoints detected on all of the 10 test images.








As shown on the output gifs, FAST & BRISK detects most of the keypoints within the preceding vehicle ROI and lies on the edges of the vehicle.

2. MP.8 Performance Evaluation 2 (Matched Keypoints)

For this part, I've counted the number of matched keypoints for all 10 images using all possible combinations of detectors and descriptors. In the matching step, Brute Force matching with a distance ratio set to 0.8 has been applied. Further processing method is applied using KNN, with (k=2) to return the best 2 keypoints and use lowe's distance ratio as proposed in the SIFT paper to determine to decide whether to keep an associated pair of keypoints best vs. second-best matched.

Current implementation for detectors are: ["SHITOMASI", "HARRIS", "FAST", "BRISK", "ORB", "AKAZE", "SIFT"].
Current implementation for descriptors are: ["BRISK", "BRIEF", "ORB", "FREAK", "AKAZE", "SIFT"].

As a result, there are 42 combinations, but AKAZE descriptors can only be used with KAZE or AKAZE keypoints and I have not find a method to solve the problem of insufficient memory on the combination of SIFT/ORB. At last, I made a statistics on 35 combinations of detectors and descriptors as being showed on the below table.

No. of Matches

Evaluation metrics used are defined below:

  • #Keypoints: the average number of detected keypoints for all 10 images;
  • T_detector: the average time of detecting keypoints on all 10 images;
  • T_descriptor: the average time of making descriptors on preceding vehicle for all 10 images;
  • #Matches: the average number of matches between two frames for all 10 images;
  • T_match: the average time of matching descriptors on preceding vehicle for all 10 images;
  • T_total: T_detector + T_descriptor + T_match.
Detector/Descriptor #Keypoints T_detector(ms) #Filtered Keypoints T_descriptor(ms) #Matches T_match(ms) T_total(ms)
Shi-Tomasi/BRISK 1342 14.66 118 1.6220 85 0.6798 16.4669
Shi-Tomasi/BRIEF 1342 14.25 118 0.8488 104 0.6011 15.2527
Shi-Tomasi/ORB 1342 14.00 118 3.9557 100 0.1430 18.0987
Shi-Tomasi/FREAK 1342 14.01 118 27.3569 85 0.1606 41.5275
Shi-Tomasi/SIFT 1342 14.62 118 16.5781 103 0.1975 31.3956
Harris/BRISK 751 25.25 108 1.4416 41 0.1450 26.8366
Harris/BRIEF 751 25.39 108 0.8963 45 0.1761 26.4624
Harris/ORB 751 24.66 108 3.8412 44 0.1661 28.6673
Harris/FREAK 751 24.84 108 26.9284 47 0.1327 51.9011
Harris/SIFT 751 25.23 108 16.5915 34 0.1765 41.9980
FAST/BRISK 1378 1.537 413 0.8591 185 0.1850 2.9568
FAST/BRIEF 1378 1.1003 413 0.7815 225 0.1665 2.0483
FAST/ORB 1378 1.1130 413 3.8113 210 0.2113 5.1356
FAST/FREAK 1378 1.1252 413 26.6651 160 0.1745 27.9648
FAST/SIFT 1378 1.0489 413 17.1654 281 0.2351 18.4494
BRISK/BRISK 1334 17.956 272 1.9231 185 0.2641 20.1432
BRISK/BRIEF 1334 18.3098 272 0.9064 136 0.2204 19.4366
BRISK/ORB 1334 18.2716 272 11.8685 92 0.2238 30.3639
BRISK/FREAK 1334 17.9881 272 27.1878 109 0.2241 45.4000
BRISK/SIFT 1334 17.9528 272 27.3908 165 0.6610 46.0046
ORB/BRISK 1350 8.2537 115 2.6278 64 0.4605 11.3420
ORB/BRIEF 1350 8.6526 115 1.0994 45 0.4716 10.2236
ORB/ORB 1350 7.6809 115 13.0181 51 0.4762 21.1752
ORB/FREAK 1350 8.8293 115 26.8927 31 0.2021 35.9241
ORB/SIFT 1350 8.3815 115 56.7078 75 0.7164 65.8057
AKAZE/BRISK 1342 56.7118 166 1.8993 110 0.2975 58.9086
AKAZE/BRIEF 1342 56.2656 166 0.8353 108 0.2451 57.3460
AKAZE/ORB 1342 56.36 166 8.5920 131 0.2893 65.2413
AKAZE/FREAK 1342 58.4053 166 26.5519 131 0.2899 85.2471
AKAZE/AKAZE 1342 57.6504 166 51.0390 139 0.3075 108.9969
AKAZE/SIFT 1342 57.7133 166 20.6419 141 0.3958 78.7510
SIFT/BRISK 1385 100.8103 138 1.6478 65 0.2384 102.6965
SIFT/BRIEF 1385 101.4355 138 0.7471 78 0.1937 102.3763
SIFT/FREAK 1385 100.6271 138 26.7568 65 0.3156 147.729
SIFT/SIFT 1385 128.9212 138 68.2546 88 0.2535 189.398
Size for each descriptors
size() [64x215] [32x198] [32x215] [61x166] [128x166]
Memory(bytes) for every item descriptor 64 32 32 61 128

No. of Matched keypoint rankings

Below is a list of TOP-5 combinations of detector+descriptor sorted in descending order based on the mean number of identified matches among 9 pairs of 10 consecutive images. The analysis is based on the matches data presented in the section Matches Statistics.

Place Combination(s)
1st (258) FAST/SIFT
2nd (225) FAST/BRIEF
3rd (210) FAST/ORB
5th (138) BRISK/SIFT


Below is a list of TOP-5 detectors sorted in ascending order based on the mean time required to identify keypoints in 10 images.

1.74 ms 10.22 ms 16.86 ms 10.9 ms 62.07 ms

Below is a list of TOP-5 descriptors sorted in descending order based on the mean time required to compute a set of descriptors for all the keypoints in one image. The analysis is based on the timings data presented in the section Timings Statistics.

1.45902 ms 1.791 ms 2.974 ms 21.370 ms 77.628 ms

Summary: Top 3 Performing combination

Place Combination(s) Remark
1st FAST+SIFT, FAST/BRIEF, FAST/ORB If accuracy is needed
2nd BRISK/BRISK, FAST+BRISK if speed is needed

Overall, this project pipeline is a tradeoff between accuracy and speed, where both depends on the application of this system. The choice between combinations of detector and descriptors should be based on the hardware available and accuracy requirements. Based on the table statistics, FAST detector in general detects more keypoints though more noisy compared to the other detectors and as a result more keypoints can be matched. Furthermore, from visual observations it is clear that most descriptor in combination with FAST detector, performs top in the rankings. For a resource constraint environment such as the onboard computer for autonomous vehicle, the best option would be to use a detector that extracts meaningful/equally distributed keypoints and descriptors that can extract in near real-time.

In summary, the winner is FAST+BRIEF, where FAST extracts the most keypoints and BRIEF extracts descriptors in least amount of time, that is why it is probably better to choose FAST+BRIEF combination for collision avoidance system.

Matched keypoints visualization







Dependencies for Running Locally

Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory in the top level directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./2D_feature_tracking.