- 39
Slow download speeds and intermittent crashing due to diskstate reading errors
#395 opened by lars1216-nl - 2
- 0
- 4
- 0
Tests fail to build with -DDISABLE_PARCHECK=yes
#393 opened by sbraz - 2
- 3
QNAP: unable to start daemon "invalid DaemonUsername"
#390 opened by OneCDOnly - 0
OpenSSL deprecation warnings.
#294 opened by dnzbk - 0
Disk status shows 0.0%
#384 opened by dnzbk - 3
Qnap X41 Version Files corrupted not playable
#352 opened by kogomonier - 0
- 0
Speedtests - add Mbits approximation
#379 opened by luckedea - 0
Wrong filenames decoding
#380 opened by dnzbk - 0
Disk Performance Tests
#361 opened by luckedea - 0
The “Changes not saved” popup occurs even without any settings changes after a fresh install
#374 opened by dnzbk - 3
- 0
- 4
Failure during update to 24.2 from 24.1
#372 opened by Mukrosz - 0
- 3
Segmentation fault
#339 opened by TerrorSource - 0
- 2
changing intermediate and temp folder is only reflected in newly added downloads
#363 opened by magicdoublem - 1
- 0
nzbget crashes at renaming file
#362 opened by dnzbk - 0
Extension Manager - upload extension file
#360 opened by luckedea - 0
Import Settings - Support Sabnzbd format
#359 opened by luckedea - 6
- 8
- 1
UnpackPauseQueue doesn't work properly
#349 opened by Bec-de-Xorbin - 1
Stuck on Unpacking using Binhex Docker
#319 opened by ZacWarham - 1
- 0
Doc: append example no longer works with Python 3
#328 opened by sbraz - 6
Build faluire on Banana Pi BPI-M1
#347 opened by Prinz23 - 0
[macOS] app still uses the upstream bundle identifier 'net.sourceforge.nzbget'
#333 opened by core-code - 6
1 failure is detected in the test module "SystemTests"
#344 opened by sbraz - 0
- 2
Runtime Environment - Status tab
#283 opened by luckedea - 3
Submit Extension-AccessOwnership
#322 opened by Lennong - 0
Downloading faster than approximately 2Gb/s would result in displaying negative speeds
#284 opened by dnzbk - 1
Handle obfuscated rar file names
#315 opened by edrock200 - 3
100% of downloads fail on testing version 24.2
#312 opened by edrock200 - 5
RSS Feed Not Showing File Size for AnimeTosho
#307 opened by sdburrows - 0
Negative "Age"
#304 opened by dnzbk - 2
Stable to beta 24.1 installation error
#302 opened by Sparklingx - 12
- 1
Disabling a news server result in 100% CPU usage, as reported by top, in 24.1-stable and 24.2-testing
#300 opened by ssl-3 - 2
Pause when added via API or RSS no longer working
#288 opened by hulleyrob - 0
Kernel Warning: [ 37.374572] process '/app/bin/nzbget' started with executable stack
#292 opened by luckedea - 4
- 1
Does nzbget auto update or is it done manually?
#277 opened by Deihmos