Repository template used to showcase Actions that tie into pull request and issue events
- ajbrown415San Francisco
- alwell-kevinOpenAI
- andygrunwald@aiven @sourcectl
- anthonyfok@NRCan; @Debian
- anweiss
- BawanthathilanOREL IT
- BuddhikaD@lseg Millennium IT
- CessatLAllianz
- conradwtConrad Taylor
- elstudio@github
- fatcomma
- ghostsquad@TuneIn
- HeikoRueschen@github
- i-marsh@github
- JeroenKnoops@philips-software
- jonicopoolside.ai
- jstoobzGreater New York City Area
- KoonNgee
- lazyoracle@qruise-ai
- markostar@poolsideai
- mohamedAchour
- nathos@github
- npalm@philips-software
- ofuen@ofuen
- OsirisXTLSCape Town, South Africa
- pedrolacerda@github
- pholleranGitHub
- pmanlukas@Google
- RIAEvangelistChief Technology Officer; USAF Veteran, Traditional JavaScript Engineer, AI whisperer, Creator @YouTube, and Mental Health Advocate.
- schtefanElektrobit
- sennap@github
- SvanBoxel@github
- timolesMOGWAI LABS GmbH
- TimoWilhelm@microsoft
- umenthumPortland, OR
- yuichielectricGitHub @github