- 2
- 6
[BUG]: Fetch a given reference uses the wrong API
#1628 opened by kitallis - 1
[FEAT]: add support for custom properties apis
#1726 opened by Jeremy-Walton - 2
[FEAT]: Provide response types with Sorbet
#1659 opened by JamieMagee - 6
- 1
[FEAT]: Change `auto_paginate` to return an enumerator instead of getting all pages
#1722 opened by pbstriker38 - 3
- 9
[BUG]: HTTP caching middleware returns cached responses to wrong users
#1660 opened by DimitriosLisenko - 1
[BUG]: `create_pull_request_comment`'s `line` needs to be optional to use optional `subject_type`
#1710 opened by Al-Campuzano - 2
- 2
[BUG]: `check_runs_for_check_suite` generates invalid path if a repo string is passed in
#1574 opened by zrdaley - 2
[BUG]: `faraday-multipart` warning always printed
#1701 opened by dentarg - 2
[BUG]: Authenticated user's private repos not listed
#1715 opened by Shpigford - 3
- 1
- 2
[FEAT]: Support codespaces API
#1610 opened by jprosevear - 2
[FEAT]: Read `x-oauth-scopes` returned from the API
#1553 opened by yeikel - 1
- 1
- 2
[BUG]: The type of the dependency on faraday-retry is irritating and unclear.
#1567 opened by expeehaa - 2
[BUG]: client.last_response is nil when workflow_dispatch is called on a non-existent workflow
#1571 opened by itskingori - 1
[FEAT]: Add Full Code Scanning Support
#1694 opened by DanBradbury - 1
- 1
[DOCS]: How can I use octokit to manager new project
#1697 opened by wanghui17 - 2
How to get repository by its ID?
#1690 opened by yegor256 - 2
[FEAT]: timeline events are not supported?
#1689 opened by yegor256 - 2
[FEAT]: Octokit::Client::PullRequests#pull_requests should accept a block.
#1508 opened by jordansissel - 2
[BUG]: Update notification messages to use constant name or github OAuth app name instead of github username in autobot actions
#1563 opened by anmol-kumar0815 - 1
[BUG]: Net::OpenTimeout (Faraday::ConnectionFailed) for request in threads
#1680 opened by DenisDenis9331 - 1
[FEAT]: Support Org Secrets
#1654 opened by kamarcum - 1
Test issue
#1653 opened by evanallen13 - 6
[BUG]: OAuth token auth applies a different Authorization header than using curl or postman
#1634 opened by auramix - 2
- 1
[DOCS]: README and yardocs refer to deleted method `#create_authorization`
#1639 opened by danbernier - 2
[FEAT]: add missing endpoints
#1633 opened by wJoenn - 2
Unable to access repository webhooks
#1534 opened by fillipeppalhares - 1
[FEAT]: Add methods for app webhooks
#1619 opened by SebRollen - 1
[FEAT]: Support for Environment based Repository Secrets
#1611 opened by hosom - 1
[FEAT]: Support for codespaces and dependabot secrets
#1594 opened by kamarcum - 2
- 0
[MAINT]: Extend TooManyRequests test to check that the error message still differentiates between primary & secondary rate limits.
#1590 opened by arjitj2 - 0
[FEAT]: Add support for SARIF data upload
#1585 opened by mathroule - 0
#1581 opened by SchiffGold - 1
- 2
[FEAT]: Environments API
#1552 opened by jer-k - 1
[FEAT]: Add support for deleting orgs
#1557 opened by jdennes - 0
Unable to cache issue search results?
#1550 opened by ajistrying - 0
[DOCS]: README table of contents contains a missing entry for "Default results per_page"
#1515 opened by Jarvl - 0
[DOCS]: README table of contents contains a broken link to Installation section
#1514 opened by Jarvl - 1
[MAINT]: bundle install fails on Ruby head (3.2.0-dev)
#1519 opened by kfcampbell