
No scene model to load since last update

Morganeon opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello !

I have a Meta Quest Pro, and I'm running this project within Unity 2022.2.7f1.

Yesterday, the project ran fine, and I was able to run all the demos from the editor via cable link. To do so, I unplugged my HMD and used the Room Setup utility found in the experimental tab, and configured both PC and HMD with beta capabilities as shown below.

Today, impossible to run the game because it can't seem to find the room setup. I tried clearing it and redoing the whole process, but to no avail : the SceneManager fires a NoSceneModelToLoad event. (line 42 of OVRSceneModelLoader)

Is it related to the HMD update that happened today?

The scene model does exist, as it gets loaded fine with other applications and with the base lobby (I can see desks there)

Settings are I believe fine on the HMD side, since it ran fine yesterday.

I have attached the various settings of everything PC side :

Try to put headset and look to your room before running on Unity. It sometimes happens to me when headset is looking down to the table, I believe it fails to recognize the room.


I am having these erros. Can you guide me?