- 8
Susy2+ - use sass:math for division.
#685 opened by niemyjski - 2
"SassError: $number: ... is not a number" when compiling with webpack and sass-loader
#686 opened by Jones-S - 3
set different global Gutter base on media querie
#675 opened by HectorLS - 3
Pull mixin does not work it sems...
#684 opened by dimicdragan - 5
No mixin named container - Npm Susy@3.0.0
#645 opened by franknoel - 6
How to use gallery mixin is Susy 3?
#648 opened by gNesh01 - 3
- 8
Migration Guide from Susy 2 to Susy 3
#660 opened by bs-thomas - 5
- 8
- 1
@if index($span, 'last') does not work
#683 opened by jvandenrym - 2
No mixin named susy-breakpoint
#682 opened by keqhash - 1
Function not found: su-span
#678 opened by pbearne - 11
_support.scss : Calling call() with a string has been deprecated in Sass 3.5 and will break in Sass 4.0
#625 opened by tim-durrant - 6
- 3
Getting started with Susy 3
#631 opened by rizqinizamil - 1
- 4
Trying to import SVG Grid Image Plugin fails
#664 opened by berlindave - 1
upgrade from 2.2.12
#666 opened by amadhav1 - 3
overflowing span in susy 3
#659 opened by lemnis - 2
Which way to build a gallery ?
#671 opened by webmasterpf - 11
Guide to use Susy3 + Node.js + Gulp ?
#667 opened by webmasterpf - 4
gutter() not changing with parameters
#669 opened by jklue - 2
Width and margin with 1/2 column spans
#665 opened by embolden - 5
- 6
Can't get susy-svg-grid() to compile
#654 opened by IAMtheIAM - 5
- 0
Using local wars for main settings
#655 opened by AlexanderDolgan - 4
- 3
px-based gutters and implementing bleed in Susy 3
#653 opened by fabianwitte - 1
- 9
- 7
Are containers and span includes removed in 3.0?
#644 opened by brograhamer - 2
Gulp – Error: [su-valid-location] There are not enough columns in grid `1 1 1 1` for span `6` at `1`
#649 opened by jklue - 4
Unable to use SUSY v3 in includePaths
#647 opened by cedon - 3
`5 x 120px` on new docs
#642 opened by robsonsobral - 1
Offsetting doesn't work
#635 opened by gcjbr - 0
"of 6" forces a fluid-grid rather than returning a slice of the existing grid
#639 opened by mirisuzanne - 8
Can't change grid debug alignment
#637 opened by robsonsobral - 0
allow `calc` output from Susy 3?
#633 opened by mirisuzanne - 2
#634 opened by robsonsobral - 1
susy-svg-grid(), not susy-svg-grids()
#636 opened by robsonsobral - 0
- 3
Debug image grids are not aligned properly
#632 opened by Jakobud - 12
- 9
Container on body or helper div?
#628 opened - 6
L12 /language/_validation.scss: Functions can only contain variable declarations and control directives.
#627 opened by freddurst1805 - 0
- 0
- 2