- 0
PyTest-8 has changed keyword arguments
#1670 opened by leftaroundabout - 2
FBP scaling issue
#1657 opened by ozanoktem - 4
- 0
How / to what extent should we use type hinting?
#1654 opened by leftaroundabout - 2
- 4
- 3
Numpy >=2.0.0 compatibility
#1661 opened by samuelnub - 0
Handling of redundant values for real CT data
#1644 opened by Emvlt - 3
Release 1.0dev
#1647 opened by mehrhardt - 1
- 1
- 10
- 2
a difference between odl_torch and normal odl
#1645 opened by wuniii - 10
adjoint in odl.tomo.RayTransform is incorrect
#1646 opened by hongtao-argmin - 1
fanbeamgeometry and conebeamgeometry not found
#1643 opened by EvelyneCalista - 3
Issue with using callback to show intermediate results in iterative solvers
#1636 opened by ozanoktem - 4
Failing unit tests for product spaces
#1639 opened by leftaroundabout - 4
BroadcastOperator doesn't work with scipy > 1.8.1
#1626 opened by Priscilla- - 1
Error with compatibility with latest numpy version
#1623 opened by knutsa - 2
Python version
#1629 opened by pierre-weiss - 5
Issue when using odl and import pytorch
#1608 opened by drgHannah - 0
- 0
Dishing artifact and value shift with FanBeamGeometry
#1630 opened by Cs-Olasz - 3
- 1
The problem about indexing parallel2Dgeometry
#1625 opened by dlutgy - 1
Issues with 'as_tensorflow_layer'
#1599 opened by jaweriaamjad - 4
pytorch autograd depreciated
#1616 opened by lofux - 0
question about odl_torch.OperatorModule
#1622 opened by listar0810 - 0
odl.operator.operator.OpDomainError: unable to cast tensor to an element of the domain uniform_discr
#1621 opened by ys830 - 0
- 1
- 0
odl.tomo.backends.skimage_randon.skimage_radon_back_projector not compatible with skimage==0.19
#1618 opened by Yao1993 - 4
FBP not scaled when PYFFTW_AVAILABLE is True
#1617 opened by Yao1993 - 10
Dose ConeBeamGeometry support helical geometry with cylindrical detector?
#1602 opened by wangwei-cmd - 1
FanBeam and FanFlat geometry error
#1605 opened by NovinceNO1 - 7
Proximal of LInfty wrong?
#1613 opened by mehrhardt - 1
ImportError: cannot import name 'OperatorAsModule' from 'odl.contrib.torch'
#1612 opened by gaopinghai - 0
- 6
FISTA for tomographic reconstruction
#1610 opened by ndjurabe - 0
#1606 opened by sunchang2017 - 1
Mathematical details about the `odl.tomo.operators.ray_trafo.RayTransform`
#1604 opened by gaopinghai - 2
scaling of data vs phantom
#1600 opened by TDHumphries - 1
Does ConeBeamGeometry support helical geometry with cylindrical detector?
#1601 opened by wangwei-cmd - 1
- 4
TypeError: tam_danielson_window() got an unexpected keyword argument 'n_pi'
#1593 opened by wangwei-cmd - 5
DBT Geometry and FBP Reconstruction ?
#1597 opened by mozanunal - 2
How to use ODL with Tensorflow 2
#1594 opened by hjahan58 - 3
'f.domain' is not equal to 'op.domain' for spdhg examples
#1595 opened by gmzang - 4
rotation angles
#1592 opened by cherryandmoon - 1
'Arc' geometry in fan beam projection?
#1591 opened by Jaakk0F