- adler-j@deepmind
- aringhChalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
- chongchenmathLSEC, ICMSEC, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- cwgroppe
- grlee77NVIDIA
- Heattide
- hilding79KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- janden
- JevgenijaAksjonova
- jhcloos
- jostromb
- kohr-hThermo Fisher Scientific (@thermofisher)
- leftaroundaboutKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- niinimaki
- ozanoktemKTH - Royal Institute of Technology
- paper2code-bot@paper2code
- paulhausnerUppsala University
- Pongroc
- quantshah@embedl Chalmers, Riken @qutip @pyquantum @qgrad
- rbagaricZagreb
- Rongnian
- satyam-cyc
- sbanertUniversity of Bremen
- take-cheezeAzumino, Japan
- tapaswenipathakAlphabet
- voronY
- wwzjerEvanston, Illinois