A theme for nerds, makes fish even more powerful. It's equipped with a hell of a lot of nice functions and key bindings to speed up your workflow.
- acactownBogotá, Colombia
- amukas
- bitsofinfothe void
- bmpvieiraLifebit
- bryanbecker
- caiocutrimSão Paulo SP
- CillianCritchley
- dexterre
- Dietr1ch@google
- giannBoursorama
- halhenke
- hawkeyej
- hayahMoscow, Russia
- holatinchBanco Galicia
- imposibrusRussia
- JasoonSenvio.dev
- jorda0megaMiami, Florida
- kfir-rocketrip
- Kinmarui
- kmskrishnaHyderabad, India
- lupu60@Sh4res
- ManasNWeb Vision Labs
- NoisyNot
- owskioDallas, Texas
- rodonnArena-ai
- srcripHowell, Michigan
- t3chguy[matrix]
- talha131
- tannhuber
- tinhkyaw
- vichaosDGM59 Co.,Ltd
- wangxufire@DataPipelineInc
- wataash@iij
- webwursthttps://www.energielenker.de/geschaeftsfelder/digitalisierung/
- WscriChy
- www2341