
Strelka2 somatic variant calling workflow

Primary LanguageWDLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Strelka variant caller in somatic mode





java -jar cromwell.jar run strelkaSomatic.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
tumorBam File Input BAM file with tumor data
tumorBai File BAM index file for tumor data
normalBam File Input BAM file with normal data
normalBai File BAM index file for normal data
reference String Reference assembly id

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
bedFile String? None BED file designating regions to process
numChunk Int? None If BED file given, number of chunks in which to split each chromosome
outputFileNamePrefix String "strelkaSomatic" Prefix for output files

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
splitIntervals.gatk String "$GATK_ROOT/bin/gatk" GATK executable path
splitIntervals.splitIntervalsExtraArgs String? None Additional arguments for the 'gatk SplitIntervals' command
splitIntervals.nonRefModules String "gatk/" Environment modules other than the genome refence
splitIntervals.memory Int 32 Memory allocated for job
splitIntervals.overhead Int 8 Memory overhead for running on a node
splitIntervals.timeout Int 72 Hours before task timeout
convertIntervalsToBed.modules String "python/3.7" Environment modules
convertIntervalsToBed.memory Int 16 Memory allocated for job
convertIntervalsToBed.timeout Int 4 Hours before task timeout
configureAndRunParallel.nonRefModules String "python/2.7 samtools/1.9 strelka/2.9.10" Environment module names other than genome reference
configureAndRunParallel.jobMemory Int 16 Memory allocated for job
configureAndRunParallel.threads Int 4 Number of threads for processing
configureAndRunParallel.timeout Int 4 Hours before task timeout
snvsVcfGather.modules String "gatk/" Environment module names and version to load (space separated) before command execution
snvsVcfGather.gatk String "$GATK_ROOT/bin/gatk" GATK to use
snvsVcfGather.memory Int 16 Memory allocated for job
snvsVcfGather.timeout Int 12 Hours before task timeout
indelsVcfGather.modules String "gatk/" Environment module names and version to load (space separated) before command execution
indelsVcfGather.gatk String "$GATK_ROOT/bin/gatk" GATK to use
indelsVcfGather.memory Int 16 Memory allocated for job
indelsVcfGather.timeout Int 12 Hours before task timeout


Output Type Description Labels
snvsVcf File VCF file with SNVs, .gz compressed vidarr_label: snvsVcf
indelsVcf File VCF file with indels, .gz compressed vidarr_label: indelsVcf


This section lists command(s) run by strelkaSomatic workflow

  • Running strelkaSomatic

Main task, configuring and running Strelka2

 	set -eo pipefail
 	configureStrelkaSomaticWorkflow.py \
 	--normalBam ~{normalBam} \
 	--tumorBam ~{tumorBam} \
 	--referenceFasta ~{refFasta} \
 	~{regionsBedArg} \
 	--runDir .
 	./runWorkflow.py -m local -j ~{threads}

Converting interval files to .bed

.bed files use 0-based index, we need to do a proper conversion of interval files

         python3 <<CODE
         import os, re
         intervalFiles = re.split(",", "~{sep=',' intervalFiles}")
         for intervalFile in intervalFiles:
             items = re.split("\.", os.path.basename(intervalFile))
             items.pop() # remove .interval_list suffix
             bedName = ".".join(items)+".bed"
             with open(intervalFile, 'r') as inFile, open(bedName, 'w') as outFile:
                 for line in inFile:
                     if not re.match("@", line): # omit the GATK header
                         fields = re.split("\t", line.strip())
                         fields[1] = str(int(fields[1]) - 1)

Splitting intervals

SplitIntervals is used to produce a requested number of files to make the analysis parallel, decreasing demand for resources per chunk and improving speed

 	set -eo pipefail
 	mkdir interval-files
 	ln -s ~{refFai}
 	ln -s ~{refDict}
 	~{gatk} --java-options "-Xmx~{memory-8}g" SplitIntervals \
 	-R ~{refFasta} \
 	~{intervalsArg} \
 	~{scatterArg} \
 	-O interval-files \
 	cp interval-files/*.interval_list .

Combining vcf files after scatter

This task uses GatherVcfs tools from GATK suite which needs the files to be ordered. No overlap between covered features allowed.

    set -eo pipefail
    ~{gatk} GatherVcfs \
    -I ~{sep=" -I " vcfs} \
    -R ~{refFasta}
    -O ~{outputName}
    gzip ~{outputName}


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