PyTorch Implementation of "Resource Efficient 3D Convolutional Neural Networks", codes and pretrained models.
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ValueError: num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples=0
#49 opened by ArnabSen123 - 2
ValueError: num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples=0
#17 opened by YB221 - 1
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onnx export problem
#15 opened by Nioolek - 3
FLOPs mismatch problems
#43 opened by WUSHUANGPPP - 0
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To follow pandas 0.2.0 update, DataFrame.ix() function change to DataFrame.loc()
#38 opened by sam8helloworld - 0
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can’t calculate_FLOP
#35 opened by shxijack - 2
Poor Result for Different Input Channel
#34 opened by khoangothe - 0
Failed to finetune ResNet50 on UCF101 split-1
#33 opened by rogercmq - 5
Modified THOP
#28 opened by rogercmq - 5
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How to set the parameter of lr_step
#31 opened by kinfeparty - 2
I inflated the google's lasted lightweight 2d CNN model: MobileNetV3 to 3d, and got a higher precision 52% on ucf101 from scratch
#30 opened by Huixxi - 2
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Jester Pretrained model loading
#25 opened by ahkarami - 1
Path of dataset
#27 opened by DrewdropLife - 0
Using mean and std on jester dataset
#26 opened by Grinjero - 8
Pretrained model loading
#24 opened by richardtml - 2
question about training on jester dataset
#23 opened by kinfeparty - 0
from utils import *
#22 opened by ymk1933230135 - 0
jester.py from utils import load_value_file
#21 opened by ymk1933230135 - 10
Slow Training on Kinetics700
#19 opened by sharon-mon - 4
Jester eval script
#20 opened by hugormluis - 0
jester dataset
#18 opened by mengban - 2
Can I convert the 3DCNN to tensorrt?
#16 opened by Nioolek - 1
UCF101 pretrained models
#14 opened by m-kammoun - 2
Low accuracy rate
#13 opened by slighting666 - 1
TensorBoard Support
#7 opened by pranavgundewar - 2
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pretraining model for fine tuning
#12 opened by slighting666 - 15
i need your help
#5 opened by world2025 - 3
Why not evaluate the model with the entire validation set during training?
#10 opened by yushuinanrong - 2
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Does your code support multi-gpu training?
#11 opened by yushuinanrong - 2
depthwise conv not supported
#9 opened by Litou1 - 6
fine tuning
#3 opened by Sushant-aggarwal - 6
temporal dimention anotations
#2 opened by Sushant-aggarwal - 2
Source Code Availability
#1 opened by ChadiMezz