proof of concept for a transformer-based time series prediction model
- 0
about csv
#32 opened by Jesse-rogue - 1
singlestep predict
#31 opened by lxk8998 - 1
- 0
There seems to be something wrong (or I may be wrong!) in the single step `get_batch` function
#29 opened by dyhan316 - 2
single-variable prediction
#27 opened by Pyramiding - 0
how to get input tensor?
#28 opened by aanxud888 - 1
why don't you use the transformer decoder?
#26 opened by tomly2019m - 5
Result reproducibility
#25 opened by hmate9 - 2
Multistep Tranformer Input Zeroed
#24 opened by ilijanikolov - 2
why encoder needs mask?
#23 opened by accuracy-maker - 1
IndexError: invalid index of a 0-dim tensor.
#21 opened by cyning911 - 3
About model output
#16 opened by 13995976382 - 8
Why make label length same as seq length?
#4 opened by Xanyv - 3
Understand multistep transformer
#20 opened by hagianga21 - 1
- 1
How to predict in multi-dimension
#19 opened by xiaoerlaigeid - 2
why multi-step predict future only use one prediction, rather than use the length of output_window like [-output_window:]
#17 opened by Jin-Xi - 2
A bug when I add encoder layers
#13 opened by RuifMaxx - 2
Model collapse after adding encoder layers.
#15 opened by neuer93 - 2
new question!!
#11 opened by WIKI2020 - 2
- 5
General questions.
#3 opened by mathematicsofpaul - 2
Where is the code for temperature dataset?
#10 opened by hbzhang - 2
- 1
Why is this sin wave made more complex?
#5 opened by shamoons - 3
- 2
#2 opened by lorrp1