- 1
[Server support] - Add user login feature
#146 opened by matuella - 0
I'm unable to build for iOS
#306 opened by n8henrie - 3
Error: The non-abstract class 'RawEditorState' is missing implementations ...
#287 opened by kamalbanga - 6
Dificuldade para rodar o projeto
#296 opened by edmargomes - 1
- 1
- 0
[Collection Creation] - Adds collection creation
#214 opened by ggirotto - 0
[Collection Creation] - "Jump To" Component
#222 opened by ggirotto - 0
[Collection Creation] - Memos list
#221 opened by ggirotto - 0
[Collection Creation] - Update Collection Details
#216 opened by ggirotto - 0
[Collection Creation] Memo Creation CTA
#220 opened by ggirotto - 1
[Collection Creation] - Memo Content Component
#219 opened by ggirotto - 0
[Collection Creation] - Tags Component
#217 opened by ggirotto - 0
[Collection Creation] - Update Collection Page
#215 opened by ggirotto - 0
- 1
[Server support] - Adds server support to `memo`
#136 opened by matuella - 0
- 0
[Server support] - Update client dependencies
#141 opened by matuella - 2
- 0
[Collection Creation] - Rich text field component
#218 opened by ggirotto - 0
Adds support to `Firebase Distribution`
#233 opened by ggirotto - 0
[Component] Custom `TextField`
#225 opened by ggirotto - 0
[Component] Custom Buttons
#224 opened by ggirotto - 2
Implement the New `Create Collections` flow
#193 opened by jonata97 - 0
Rich Text Editor
#223 opened by ggirotto - 2
Implement the new `Collection Introduction` flow
#192 opened by jonata97 - 3
- 2
Problemas de desempenho no tablet A7 Samsung
#186 opened by TheMartinfer22 - 3
Sem feedback tátil nas perguntas
#132 opened by enzodanjour - 0
- 0
[Server support] - Create firestore security rules, indexes and tests to support new DB model
#138 opened by matuella - 0
[Server support] - Job to run a database backup
#140 opened by matuella - 0
[Server support] - Update `CollectionsPage` use-case to use Firebase Firestore/Authentication
#144 opened by matuella - 0
[Server support] - Update `CollectionDetailsPage` use-case to use Firebase Firestore/Authentication
#147 opened by matuella - 0
[Server support] - Update `ProgressPage` use-case to use Firebase Firestore/Authentication
#148 opened by matuella - 0
[Server support] - Update `CollectionExecutionPage` use-case to use Firebase Firestore/Authentication
#149 opened by matuella - 5
Adicionar suporte a outras linguagens
#150 opened by mathmorais - 1
- 1
Show question along with the answer
#163 opened by mpirescarvalho - 4
Emojis showing up in the question screen
#164 opened by mpirescarvalho - 2
- 5
Minor stutter when first opening a collection
#162 opened by maxzorzetti - 1
Add non-identifiable usage metrics
#142 opened by matuella - 0
Missing Safe Area during Collection execution
#172 opened by ggirotto - 0
- 0
- 1
White screen when opening/loading the app
#130 opened by matuella - 1
Forked PRs doesn't have access to Github Secrets
#154 opened by ggirotto - 6
Questões mais claras e objetivas
#152 opened by Victor-BwD - 2
Link do Discord Expirou
#133 opened by IgorVini25