OMERO MS Image Region

Actions Status Ansible Role

Installs and configures OMERO ms image region


OMERO.server and OMERO.web are required.

Role Variables

  • omero_ms_image_region_user: Microservice user, the defaults is 'omero-server'

  • omero_ms_image_region_folder: Microservice installation folder

  • omero_ms_image_region_port: Microservice port

  • omero_ms_image_region_db_url: OMERO database URL

  • omero_ms_image_region_db_port: OMERO database server port

  • omero_ms_image_region_db_name: OMERO database name

  • omero_ms_image_region_db_username: OMERO database user name

  • omero_ms_image_region_db_pass: OMERO database user password

  • omero_ms_image_region_log_level: Logging level, allowed values: info, debug, error

  • omero_data_dir: OMERO data folder

  • omero_script_repo_root: OMERO scripts folder

  • omero_ms_image_region_worker_pool_size: No of Microservice workers, the default is double the number of processors which the machine has

  • session_id: OMERO Session id, if you do not know it, you may get it using this command:

  • omero_ms_image_region_max_active_channels: Max number of channels to allow per request default is 10

    /opt/omero/web/OMERO.web/bin/omero config get omero.web.session_cookie_name

  • omero_ms_image_region_update_nginx: if false, it will not update the nginx config file

  • omero_ms_image_region_download_URL: The download URl for the distibuted ms build (zip file)

  • omero_ms_image_region_package_sha256: The sha256 for the distibuted ms build

The ms build should be compatible with the installed OMERO.server, i.e.:

  • The bio-format version for the Microservice should match the Bio-Formats version of the OMERO.server
  • Also, in case of using ngff data, the version of OMEZarrReader should be the same for both of the Microsevice and the OMERO.server.

Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
    - role: ome.omero_ms_image_region
      omero_ms_image_region_update_nginx: true