
Backup database task fails when upgrading

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Many thanks for developing this role for installing OMERO. I've been using it to deploy an instance at UCL and recently wanted to run an upgrade. The role correctly detects the change in omero_server_release but fails when running the back up database task. The command generated is:

["/opt/omero/server/venv3/bin/omego", "db", "dump", "--dbhost", "omero-test-xugge-db-pg", "--dbuser", "omero", "--dbname", "omero", "--dbpass", <redacted>, "--managedb", "--serverdir", "/opt/omero/server/OMERO.server"]

And the error is:

omego: error: unrecognized arguments: --managedb"

This is for omego 0.7.0.

The cause appears to be that the same set of options is passed to both the install command and the db dump command but the db dump command does not support the --managedb argument that would be passed when omero_server_database_manage is true:

omero_server_omego_db_options: >
  --dbhost {{ omero_server_dbhost | quote }}
  --dbuser {{ omero_server_dbuser | quote }}
  --dbname {{ omero_server_dbname | quote }}
  --dbpass {{ omero_server_dbpassword | quote }}
  {{ omero_server_database_manage | ternary('--managedb', '') }}