
feature ideas

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  • Drag and drop a .zattrs file onto the browser to validate
  • Button to copy JSON to clipboard
  • Links from zattrs sections to the spec. e.g.
  • Load chunks with zarr.js and display: #21
  • Plate Wells link to open Images in new page
  • About... links to samples page
  • 3D cube, don't spin forever - spin on mouseover/drag
  • Other validation checks - e.g. axes length matches ndim, unique axis names, pyramid sizes largest -> smallest...
  • FIX size-Z chunk increments in 3D cube
  • Browsable JSON for .zarray JSON etc.
  • Validate Labels
  • Support BioFormats layout
  • Add "strict" option to use strict schemas
  • Add changelog,
  • Use bumpversion. Show version number in UI?
  • If ome/ngff#153 is in v0.5 - check that all Datasets have same dtype
  • Validate dimension separator for v0.2-0.4