
new version of the supertoroid repo that is used for the paper

Primary LanguageC++


new version of the supertoroid repo that is used for the paper


The main three nodes are:


The way the fitting works is the following:

  • load the point cloud
  • calls fit() <-located in st_fitting.cpp
    • set PreAlign <- this one only defines the index to do the rotation of the x,y,z axes that I explained to you
    • fit_param <- this one calls a series of functions:
      • preAlign <- applies PCA to point cloud, finds centroid and principal directions, creates transform matrix, transforms point cloud to local supertoroid coordinates (prealigned_cloud).
      • load initial conditions (from yaml file)
      • performs LM optimization (function is defined in operator, which uses st_function_b1 and st_function_b2, which is the calculation of the betas) calculates error


run the following launch files:

STfitting.launch cloud:=/tmp/STsynth.pcd

To change parameters: STparameters.yaml