A web based user interface with controls for the mpv mediaplayer.
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Feature Request: Add/Modify Tiles
#483 opened by purrpurrn - 4
Crash of mpv v0.38.0
#504 opened by Lc4B - 0
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Is there an installation instruction for Linux?
#475 opened by stax76 - 2
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Lua error: error loading module 'socket.core'
#452 opened by thosoo - 2
access from phone? / using another device browser
#450 opened by NormTurtle - 2
FIX / wrong options
#449 opened by NormTurtle - 4
remove unwanted text when opening
#422 opened by NormTurtle - 11
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do we have `web-ui.conf` ?
#423 opened by NormTurtle - 4
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what im dong wrong ?
#413 opened by NormTurtle - 7
please give that webui.conf file
#384 opened by SonaliBendre - 1
Not working in Windows 11 !!
#385 opened by SonaliBendre - 1
Feature Request: Option to run server in the background and open player only when somethings starts playing
#369 opened by enchained - 1
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FR - Show mpv-start-options in the WebUI
#331 opened by francwalter - 4
About collection handling
#313 opened by husudosu - 7
Cannot find main.* for any supported scripting backend in: ~/.config/mpv/scripts/webui-page
#267 opened by maksymsan - 1
bogus setup.cfg symlink
#281 opened by vapier - 5
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Add option to stream audio over HTTP
#216 opened by ZaneHannanAU - 5
script_path issue on windows
#71 opened by 57op - 1
Can't control mpv windows 10
#192 opened by natamru - 0
Dependabot couldn't authenticate with
#172 opened by dependabot-preview - 2
Range sliders don't work on mobile Safari
#14 opened by open-dynaMIX - 4
No subtitles / no audio features
#27 opened by hansinator - 1
Fails to load socket.lua
#106 opened by hyiltiz - 1
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[FEATURE REQUEST] Installation instructions of `luasocket` on Windows w/o Lua installation
#11 opened by emk2203 - 3
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webui.lua throws lua error
#35 opened by bamdadkhan - 2
Script not working?
#13 opened by gkrahmer - 1
Rewrite in Elm
#10 opened by rofrol - 2
Cannot get status when playing streamed file
#5 opened by sohsatoh - 0
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