
Primary LanguagePython

About ts_ros

ts_ros generates typescript intefaces from ROS messages.

example usage:

python3 -m ts_ros -o out builtin_interfaces

Some example usage with typescript

import { Time } from './out'

// validating a message
try {
  Time.validate({ sec: 0, nanosec: 0 });
} catch (e) {

// type hints when creating a message
const timeMsg: Time = { sec: 0, nanosec: 0 };

// defining functions that take a ros message
function foo(time: Time): void { }

The mapping between ROS types are:

  'bool': 'boolean',
  'byte': 'number',
  'char': 'string',
  'float32': 'number',
  'float64': 'number',
  'int8': 'number',
  'int16': 'number',
  'int32': 'number',
  'int64': 'number',
  'string': 'string',
  'wstring': 'string',
  'uint8': 'number',
  'uint16': 'number',
  'uint32': 'number',
  'uint64': 'number',

  'byte': 'Uint8Array',
  'float32': 'Float32Array',
  'float64': 'Float64Array',
  'int8': 'Int8Array',
  'int16': 'Int16Array',
  'int32': 'Int32Array',
  'int64': 'BigInt64Array',
  'uint8': 'Uint8Array',
  'uint16': 'Uint16Array',
  'uint32': 'Uint32Array',
  'uint64': 'BigUint64Array',

Running test

Source a ros distro

. /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash

Run tests

npm --prefix=test test