- 8
- 0
- 1
Enable saving the entire simulation state in memory and restoring it again
#768 opened by kyllingstad - 2
Simplify API and code by dropping (alleged) support for changing system structure during simulation
#771 opened by kyllingstad - 3
Add interfaces to FMI functions for saving/serialising/deserialising/restoring FMU state
#756 opened by kyllingstad - 0
- 1
- 1
User story: configure the step scheduling type
#744 opened by xmirabel - 2
- 10
Clean up confusing terminology in API
#767 opened by kyllingstad - 3
Step 2 Error
#773 opened by haruagio - 0
Error at installing dependencies
#772 opened by haruagio - 3
Replace terminology master-slave
#749 opened by StephanieKemna - 5
Clean up the test FMU set
#763 opened by kyllingstad - 3
- 0
Dangling reference in `parse_scenario()`
#760 opened by kyllingstad - 0
Optimize read/write operations between models
#759 opened by davidhjp01 - 3
Implement partial FMI 3.0 support
#741 opened by kyllingstad - 0
inject_system_structure() is too strict about which variables can be initialised
#742 opened by kyllingstad - 0
`file_observer` outputs `description` field where it should have output `author` to metadata file
#750 opened by kyllingstad - 1
Consider setting Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS in libcosim-config.cmake for static build
#675 opened by hplatou - 1
Conan v2 combability
#718 opened by markaren - 1
- 1
CMake version requirement is too low
#702 opened by kyllingstad - 0
- 3
[proposal] Discontinue Debian package support
#707 opened by markaren - 1
Specify compatible Conan versions
#738 opened by theBadMusician - 1
- 0
Incorrect causality in the generated metadata file `<model>_<time>_metadata.yml`
#740 opened by davidhjp01 - 0
Support axis property for variables
#737 opened by eidekrist - 5
build error with -o proxyfmu=True : Could NOT find Boost (missing: filesystem) (found suitable version"1.71.0", minimum required is "1.71")
#736 opened by xmirabel - 0
Toggle log file time stamps through LogConfig.xml
#735 opened by eidekrist - 4
Signal name when logging signals to csv file
#712 opened by tomarnepedersen - 0
Support for endTime in OspSystemStructure
#720 opened by restenb - 0
The Ubuntu-18.04 environment is deprecated and will be removed on December 1st, 2022
#719 opened by markaren - 2
Performance impact when using proxyfmu
#722 opened by davidhjp01 - 1
GCC8 runner failing
#706 opened by markaren - 0
- 0
build error : "BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB" redefined
#717 opened by tamago117 - 1
- 2
Should FMI Enum values be ignored or should we fail fast when encountering them?
#670 opened by THEvang - 2
yaml-cpp error
#703 opened by ludgerha - 5
It is no longer clear how execution::simulate_until() should work with indeterminate end time
#694 opened by kyllingstad - 0
Manipulators should get a current simulation time as an argument (for scenarios)
#699 opened by davidhjp01 - 1
Models with OspModelDescription files and equal model description names cannot be used with fmu-proxy
#685 opened by msteinsto - 0
- 0
Optionally selecting a subset of variables to observe in cosim::last_value_observer(provider)
#686 opened by davidhjp01 - 1
- 2
Bug in doStep ?
#673 opened by markaren - 2
Incosistent use of error feedback in consume scheme
#668 opened by THEvang