- 0
Copy button in screen copies also callouts
#634 opened by tomschr - 1
Changes proposed by Korean translators
#632 opened by jfaltenbacher - 0
<xref xrefstyle="template:TITLE"/> still renders the original glossary term name
#629 opened by tbazant - 0
Wrong parenthesis for zh-cn/zh-tw (optional step)
#597 opened by tomschr - 0
Add/change formalpara/title for zh-cn/zh-tw
#596 opened by tomschr - 1
Different length for same text in PDF
#595 opened by jfaltenbacher - 1
Three column layout: Middle column floats around
#491 opened by janajaeger - 0
Error for superscript text in Asian languages
#592 opened by jfaltenbacher - 0
- 0
Fix font size for cross-references ZH-TW
#590 opened by jfaltenbacher - 0
Overlapping titles on main page for PDFs
#589 opened by jfaltenbacher - 0
- 0
Use <revhistory> for changelog?
#577 opened by tomschr - 0
performance="optinal" not shown for substeps
#517 opened by cwickert - 6
AsciiDoc footnoteref renders without text
#524 opened by KucharczykL - 0
Alignment of list items in abstract are wrong
#564 opened by tomschr - 0
TRD: Issues on cover page for book for meta
#563 opened by tomschr - 2
Hamburger icon not rendered clearly in HTML
#539 opened by dariavladykina - 0
Formal titles in abstract doesn't appear
#535 opened by tomschr - 0
Show publication date after title
#533 opened by tomschr - 0
Add book titlepage for TRD stylesheets
#526 opened by tomschr - 0
- 1
Broken link in the ReadMe file
#525 opened by navin772 - 0
Add download link to PDF in HTML output
#518 opened by tomschr - 5
- 1
PDF: Poppins font from graphics not picked up
#489 opened by taroth21 - 1
Adapt the SBP stylesheets in 2.87.0
#513 opened by tomschr - 1
- 1
Co-branding of title pages
#448 opened - 1
Chunking on article level doesn't work
#445 opened by tomschr - 0
Add recommended l10n fonts
#505 opened by tomschr - 0
Rename 'Prozedur' to 'Vorgehen'
#508 opened by jfaltenbacher - 8
- 0
Draft isn't implemented for 2022 stylesheets
#487 opened by tomschr - 1
Add option to remove "COPY CODE" for examples
#476 opened by mfriesenegger - 0
qandasets disturb three-column layout
#477 opened by janajaeger - 3
- 0
Use abbreviated productname in <title> tag
#499 opened by tomschr - 1
- 1
SEO: Fix heading levels in HTML
#483 opened by janajaeger - 1
- 0
Content vanish for localized documents
#455 opened by tomschr - 1
- 1
- 2
- 3
l10n issues
#458 opened by fsundermeyer - 0
Replace old SUSE logo
#465 opened by tomschr - 0
- 1
New translation strings in `common/l10n/en.xml` that are not yet translated:`+ <l:gentext key="moredocuments" text="More documents"/>++ <l:gentext key="onthispage" text="On this page"/>++ <l:gentext key="givefeedback" text="Give feedback"/>+ <l:gentext key="reportbug" text="Report an issue"/>+ <l:gentext key="editsource" text="Edit source document"/>++ <l:gentext key="previouspage" text="Previous"/>+ <l:gentext key="nextpage" text="Next"/>` ++ ++ + + ++ + " tabindex="0" role="button">
#457 opened by tomschr - 13