Environment generation code for the paper "Emergent Tool Use From Multi-Agent Autocurricula"
- 1
- 2
rendering env to look like in the blog
#12 opened by iariav - 1
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Error when loading pre-trained policy
#48 opened by DebasmitaGhose - 8
- 0
How to run this project ?
#35 opened by IshanRTripathi - 0
Error when running the four environment files of multi-agent-emergence-environments
#44 opened by aslansd - 2
gym.error.DoubleWrapperError: Attempted to double wrap with Wrapper: AgentGeomObsMask2D
#42 opened by Open-AGI - 2
How to training agents
#23 opened by sunshm - 2
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- 3
[Suggestion] Switch to a free physics engine
#40 opened by flarn2006 - 1
Supporting project for everyone who wants to work with multi-agent-emergence-environments
#34 opened by leonardovvla - 0
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Missing architectures jsonnet files
#4 opened by jeremiahvpratt - 0
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an ERROR was found!!
#33 opened by ZaneHsueh - 0
Selling Out To Microsoft!!! MAJOR ISSUE...
#30 opened by superjayman - 5
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#28 opened by jessebradley817 - 0
sorry, Delete this issue,please
#26 opened by HACLANG - 1
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Question on training procedure
#8 opened by cookie-yang - 0
How to determine successful installation?
#25 opened by Jiang1206 - 0
Observation parameters
#24 opened by EetuaLaine - 2
Jsonnet error when unrolling policy
#21 opened by vonHartz - 1
#15 opened by ShamCondor - 2
Is this actually Partial Brute Force?
#9 opened by bladedsupernova - 6
cymj.o - file not recognized
#7 opened by chris-aeviator - 1
How does policy differentiate teams?
#10 opened by shumink - 1