
Awesome (Bitcoin / Litecoin / Dogecoin) Ordinal Inscriptions - Turn the Blockchain Into A Database For Digital Artefacts

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Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), ...

Awesome Ordinal Inscriptions

Turn the Blockchain Into A Database For Digital Artefacts

New to Ordinals? See the talk notes titled Inside Ordinal Inscriptions - Turn the Blockchain Into A Database For Digital Artefacts »

Are (Bitcoin) Ordinals Dead?

Let's check the %-percentage of ordinals transactions (tx) per bitcoin block.

(Source: dune.com/.../are-ordinals-dead by Jerry Fanelli)

Ordinal Browser / Explorer / Directories

Bitcoin (BTC)

Search In Text Inscription Services


Sub 1k - Inside The First Thousand Ordinal Inscriptions @ Programming (Bitcoin) Ordinals Book / Guide

Sub 1k - Inside The First Thousand Ordinal (Litecoin) Inscriptions @ Programming (Litecoin) Ordinals Book / Guide

Ordinal Protocols

Sats Names (SNS)

World's 1st Ordinal (Text & JSON5) Protocol - Name Registration Service (.sats, .ord, .gm, .btc, .bitmap, and many more)

see Sats Names Docu »

Sats Names (SNS) launched with helloworld.sats reg(istration) inscribe no. 162 759 on Feb 22nd, 2023 on block 777847.

Stats (as of Aug/30, 2023)

Top 5 Namespace Reg (All Time)

  • .bitmap – 827,511
  • .sats – 410,196
  • .btc – 238,828
  • .unisat – 59,249
  • .x – 39,899

Total Names (All Namespaces) – 1,920,319

Total Namespace Holders – 101,335

(Source: geniidata.com/.../sns)



Fungible Tokens (with four letter tickers e.g. ORDI, MEME, PUNK, PEPE, and many more)

see BRC-20 (Experiment) Docu »

There have been 23 926 BRC-20 ordinal inscriptions in the past 24 hours. It only took six weeks for people to figure out how to use ordinals to make fungible meme coins [on bitcoin].

-- Leonidas, March 9th, 2023

World's 1st BRC-20 - ORDI - max. 21 million - deploy inscribe no. 348 020 on March 8th, 2023 by @domo

in less than 18 hours, all 21,000,000 ordi tokens had been minted, with pending mints for an additional 1,500,000 ordi tokens that were not within the limit.

Indexer / Markets

More BRC-20 Trivia

You cannot transfer BRC-20 tokens by transferring the inscription. You must use the BRC-20 transfer function as specified in the BRC-20 token standard.

ORC-721 / OG / Ordgen / Ordinal Generative

Ordinal (Recursive) Generative 100% "On-Chain" Collections

see Generative ORC-721 Protocol / Standard for Bitcoin & Co. (Also Known As OG, Ordgen, Ordinal Generative) »

World's 1st ORC-721 - 721 D.I.Y. Punks - deploy inscribe no. 9 947 030 on May 29th, 2023 by @ZimmerAllDay


More Protocols

Ord Games


Ordinals Standards Proposals @ Ordinals Standards Discussions
incl. BRC-20, BRC-20 (Update), ORC-20, SRC-20, BRC-30, and more

Inscribed Javascript (.js) Code

See Ordinal Public Goods - A list of js libraries and other resources inscribed on bitcoin. Use it to lower the cost of your inscriptions
incl. jquery (87462 bytes), p5.js (287424 bytes gzipped), three.js (250274 bytes gzipped) and more.

Every day more code is inscribed to Bitcoin.

The more code we inscribe, the more building blocks there are for others to leverage.

Bitcoin is a new internet.

The possibilities are endless.

Can it get any more stupid than that?! Public service announcement - please learn the difference between data and code - code is more like a baby (or a garden) ... a living creature (or ecosystem) ... day-to-day, month-to-month, year-to-year care (and love) needed .... now try to update your code inscribed on bitcoin one time, two times, three times ... a hundred times ... see the stupidity? Use a protocol (and data formats). Anyways, wen BITCOIN ON BITCOIN ON BITCOIN?
The new internet? a 500(!) GB database. the possibilites are limited to 4MB per block. get real. wen bigger blocks? PS: What is this (open source) code about here -> ordinals/ord/commits. why is this code always changing? please STOP now and INSCRIBE!

Ordinal Javascript (.js) SDK - SOON!

Recursive inscriptions. check. What's next? How about an (ordinal) js sdk.

An idea: OrdScript - an ordinals native programming language that is super efficient in programming size (like GolfScript) and Bitcoin Ordinals aware. OrdScript can be run by browsers through a run time compiler in js that is automatically loaded via a recursive inscription.

o o o

Bob Bodily comments:

With a JS SDK you get most of what you are looking for:

  • SDK is efficient because you only have to inscribe the SDK once and it can be loaded into other inscriptions
  • SDK has bitcoin and ordinals primitives built-in
  • Safeguards and limitations need to be built into explorers, wallets, and marketplaces anyway, so a client side SDK could serve this purpose
  • Recursion / compression / calling other libraries could all be built into SDK
  • Reinscription / sat references for storage and referencing other inscriptions could be built-in to SDK

Network effects, libraries, and (native) browser support of JS makes any new scripting language a hard sell - efficiency (every byte matters) is that enough?

Not using (ordinal) js sdk? Are your recursive "custom roll-your-own js" inscriptions ded? Please, update your "legacy" inscribes.

Alternate Numbering & Storage Schemes

Stamps w/ Counterparty


Awesome Awesomeness

More awesome lists

Questions? Comments?

Join us in the Ordgen / ORC-721 discord (chat server). Yes you can. Your questions and commetary welcome.

Or post them over at the Help & Support page. Thanks.