
Should queryables link header be required?

aznan2 opened this issue · 3 comments

RC1 of Part 3, requirements class Queryables, requirement 1-B states: The link SHALL be included as a Link header in the response.. However, Part 1, requirements class Core, Link headers makes link headers a recommendation only.

It's odd that the queryables link is the only one that requires a header, no? Should this requirement be aligned with the Core spec and be downgraded to a recommendation?

Good question, but you have a point. I did not find documentation why we included a requirement for the Link header, so my guess is that we wanted it to be available also when a representation cannot express links in the payload. That said, I agree, to be consistent with the recommendation in Part 1 it should "just" be a recommendation. Actually, since we already have the recommendation in Part 1, we do not need it here, it would be redundant.

Any other views? @pvretano?

@cportele @aznan2 making it a recommendation, rather than a requirement, is OK with me. @cportele can you make that change? I'm working on Catalogue and Processes at the moment.

@pvretano - I will create a PR