An open standard for querying geospatial information on the web.
- aaimeGeoSolutions
- akuckartz
- cholmes@planetlabs @radiantearth @fiboa
- cportele@interactive-instruments
- diasfWarsaw
- dsoul
- dstenger
- fivejjsData scientist and engineer
- francbartoli@geobeyond
- gbuehlerOGC
- HerveCaumontTerradue
- hmassihEsri
- jampukka
- JBurkinshawSparkgeo
- jhcloos
- jvanuldeGovernment of Canada/Natural Resources Canada
- leandrometUBCO - INMA/MCTI -SFB/MMA
- lgoltz
- lieberjoshTumbling Walls
- Mec-iSFree as in Free Software
- MichaelGordonOrdnance Survey
- nmtokenBritish Geological Survey
- notthatbreezy@azavea
- ogcportal
- onsen
- pvretanoCubeWerx Inc.
- rcoup@koordinates
- romarknmsu@esri
- rouaultSpatialys
- royrathbun
- samtuxAula Geomática
- tbeg
- TDesjardins@srp-gmbh
- ThomasG77WebGeoDataVore
- thorsten-reitzwetransform gmbh
- yyx350