An open standard for querying geospatial information on the web.
Pinned issues
- 22
- 5
Part 5: Add table of x-ogc- properties
#945 opened by m-mohr - 0
Part 3: Filtering using Spatial dimension
#969 opened by Karyme-Nava - 6
- 8
Part 5: x-ogc-propertySeq seems useless?
#944 opened by m-mohr - 0
Functions example in Part 3 is invalid
#967 opened by pvretano - 8
CQL2 - comparison with NULL values
#963 opened by pmauduit - 2
- 9
Part 3, "CQL2 functions"... only for CQL2?
#964 opened by aaime - 1
Filtering ATS queryable links test not enforceable
#962 opened by aaime - 0
- 0
- 3
Part 4: Support for JSON Patch (RFC 6902)
#957 opened by rhysrevans3 - 1
CQL2-JSON: "arrayExpression" was confusing
#951 opened by jerstlouis - 0
- 0
Part 3: Links to CQL2 broken/out-of-date
#949 opened by jampukka - 1
- 1
Part 4: application/json as media type?
#943 opened by m-mohr - 1
Part 5: Feature references with more complex values
#938 opened by cportele - 1
Part 4: Editorial link inconsistencies
#947 opened by fmigneault - 5
Part 5: The limitations of JSON data types
#946 opened by m-mohr - 6
- 4
- 2
- 3
Collection extent: End inclusive or exclusive
#934 opened by m-mohr - 4
- 2
- 0
Broken urls on Cubewerx page
#926 opened by doublebyte1 - 2
A dedicated section for links
#918 opened by m-mohr - 4
Schemas: Clarifications / Example on what URIs / vocabs should be used for `x-ogc-definition`
#913 opened by jerstlouis - 3
Schemas: QUDT -- URI or id ? Add an example?
#909 opened by jerstlouis - 3
Schemas: `x-ogc-unit-lang` or `x-ogc-unitLang` ?
#910 opened by jerstlouis - 2
- 0
Simplify scalar expression
#914 opened by cportele - 3
Should queryables link header be required?
#905 opened by aznan2 - 3
- 6
CQL2: Validation of JSON examples fails
#901 opened by clausnagel - 1
CQL2: Move ATS Queries to Standalone Files
#887 opened by eseglem - 8
Feature snapshot with `datetime` parameter
#899 opened by alexrobin - 5
Boolean value in scalarExpression
#862 opened by Diaaz - 2
CQL2 (Spatial Functions): Short definitions of boundary/interior/exterior, S_RELATE
#869 opened by jerstlouis - 0
CQL2: One remaining mention of spatial operators
#885 opened by jerstlouis - 1
CQL2: conformance class for S_INTERSECTS for geometry, between Basic SO and SO classes
#859 opened by philvarner - 1
CQL2: JSON isNull inconsistency
#882 opened by eseglem - 1
CQL2 (Arrays): Remaining square brackets
#871 opened by jerstlouis - 4
Schemas: oneOf null/single/multi geometry ?
#868 opened by jerstlouis - 1
Replace mentions of "OGC APIs"
#880 opened by ghobona - 3
CRS identifier required for geometry less collections
#866 opened by 3nids - 0
Add support for compound CRSs
#864 opened by cportele - 7
Static API Specification of OGC API Features
#860 opened by situx