- 0
HTTP healthcheck on port X for stream running on port Y
#106 opened by sebay - 0
- 5
each worker spawns healthchecker - is this ok?
#24 opened by qrof - 1
FastCGI support
#102 opened by Lathanderjk - 0
Publish 0.07 to OPM
#97 opened by actini - 0
unix socket upstream
#95 opened by notnooblord - 2
Test Case failures
#94 opened by HelloWorld521 - 1
failed to get primary peers in upstream [24e7:c180:1210:c021:3de4:2edf:5bc1:950e]:9334: upstream not found
#93 opened by c1390528 - 7
- 2
- 1
Why not setkeepalive on tcp socket ?
#85 opened by NicoAdrian - 2
Feature request: support dynamic upstream
#76 opened by timebug - 0
- 0
v1/healthcheck 接口返回信息
#82 opened by Waylonwhynot - 1
- 2
ngx_lua 0.9.5+ required
#72 opened by mjhuber - 7
many upstream problem
#73 opened by lemon9921010 - 1
one domain return 502
#74 opened by lemon9921010 - 3
Timers "leaking" ?
#69 opened by wbednarczyk - 3
- 0
PR: add upstream name to log message to distinguish among multiple upstreams with same server
#71 opened by ecc256 - 0
Why no_timer works only in debug mode?
#67 opened by wangrzneu - 0
invalid http_req introduce 400 code
#65 opened by shsun - 1
- 1
the problem of returning of healthcheck
#50 opened by swordGH - 3
Support for upstreams that use https.
#20 opened by jebabcock - 10
- 4
no request object found?
#60 opened by dayongi - 4
- 0
- 0
What happens if the server in upstream is dynamic changed ? Now health check will ignore the new incoming server.
#55 opened by zhuqiuyang - 0
What happens if a server exist in two upstream?
#53 opened by solio - 5
NO checkers problem?
#38 opened by wtiancai - 3
Routing requests to all peers when they all down
#51 opened by eglinux - 2
Does not compile with openresty-
#48 opened by anthonyryan - 2
this module conflict with consistent_hash module
#42 opened by jzh800 - 4
multiple stream group problem
#41 opened by somanybut - 0
health checker does not support stream directive
#39 opened by vesafb - 4
- 1
how to integration 'balancer_by_lua'
#33 opened by binlaniua - 0
checking response body as part of healthcheck?
#34 opened by paperpunk - 2
#32 opened - 1
Support for specifying custom port
#28 opened by bompus - 1
healthchecl behind proxy
#27 opened by tatdatpham - 0
Any plan to support tcp health check?
#25 opened by samwonwyd - 0
add callback to peer_fail
#23 opened by lloydzhou - 8
attempt to index field 're' (a nil value)
#21 opened by chainkite - 1
- 1
bad id reference
#17 opened by Tieske - 3
Set a different upstream manager module
#11 opened by Tieske