A repository containing code for a number of tutorials on the Hodgkin Huxley model, including an interactive Jupyter notebook
- adokhugiVienna, Austria, Europe
- aribrich
- Crystinjoni
- davidad@protocol
- eemailme
- EigenvectorOfFate
- GasGenBuenos Aires, AR
- industriousthought
- jhcloos
- JimHokansonMedical College of Wisconsin
- joebowenDenver, CO
- jrmartin
- jscogganNeuroLinx Research Institute
- kneuron
- lungd
- mwatts15United States
- Neurophile
- pgleesonUniversity College London
- raynerLondon, UK
- richstonerBay Area, CA
- sanjayankur31SilverLab at University College London
- shabanovd
- slarsonBoston, MA
- stevenjcookSeattle, WA
- thierry-silbermannLisbon, Portugal
- TrlstancBoston, MA
- VahidGh
- vraow
- wilzh40United States