This is a C++/OpenCL implementation of the PCISPH algorithm supplemented with a set of biomechanics related features applied to C. elegans locomotion
- 18
User-defined geometries and muscle models
#165 opened by wilhelmbraun - 11
- 4
Exception: The provided 'key_property' entry does not appear to be a property
#176 opened by woobin3069 - 5
- 0
- 0
Add simulation video recording utility
#182 opened by mwatts15 - 0
- 0
Resolve compiler warnings
#180 opened by mwatts15 - 3
Steps towards proprioceptive feedback
#141 opened by pgleeson - 6
Steps towards integration of touch sensation
#144 opened by pgleeson - 13
Asking for simulation
#168 opened by cory020330 - 1
No such file or directory muscles_activity_buffer.txt
#175 opened by waayst - 1
Ubuntu 20.04: free(): double free detected in tchache 2 when replaying simulation
#173 opened by clausagerskov - 11
- 2
How to expand the liquid particles?
#147 opened by slarson - 4
Double text in README
#153 opened by pgleeson - 0
Add more molecular in sibernetic?
#163 opened by hjabo - 4
Rerun (-l_from) simulation inside openworm container
#154 opened by lungd - 6
Pressure buffer file issue
#160 opened by lungd - 2
Pressure file format issue
#146 opened by pgleeson - 8
Performance changes in latest development branch
#145 opened by pgleeson - 1
- 6
- 1
ImportError: No module named main_sim
#139 opened by ZZcat - 0
Update sibernetic site
#103 opened by skhayrulin - 0
Make code review
#114 opened by skhayrulin - 6
Muscle activation should be set only by the Python class
#129 opened by pgleeson - 1
pySibernetic: A Python wrapper for Sibernetic
#122 opened by ranr01 - 1
Save simulation in hdf5 files
#134 opened by skhayrulin - 0
Create OpenCL-enabled Docker Node AMI & successfully run Sibernetic in a container on top of it
#105 opened by slarson - 5
CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error on Nvidia GTX 1060 copying position buffer from device
#136 opened by jhurlbut - 12
- 9
- 1
- 2
Tests not working on latest commit
#124 opened by slarson - 3
Enhance configuration files with physical parameters specific to full/half resolution worm
#128 opened by pgleeson - 1
- 0
Instructions for building on linux are incorrect
#131 opened by dhd5076 - 2
- 1
Liquid particles streaming out of standard cube
#126 opened by slarson - 13
- 0
Write Doc how to run Sibernetic with neuron
#107 opened by skhayrulin - 0
- 15
- 1
Bug with .openworm.yml
#109 opened by cheelee - 3
Difficulty running with both -nrn and -f worm
#113 opened by slarson - 1
- 12
Generate faster renders
#101 opened by nmsutton - 0
Work with Sibernetic-NEURON sync
#106 opened by skhayrulin - 3
More config file variable docs
#102 opened by nmsutton