The Pax Wicket Service is an OSGi service for supporting the creation of Wicket applications running on the OSGi platform.
- adelarsqSpassu
- akiwarheitCoffee Driven Development
- anpieberSchmutterer+Partner Information Technology GmbH
- anttileppa
- azomazo
- bitstorm
- brampouwelse
- ceefour@pptik @lskk @bippo @soluvas
- ChristophGr
- crudbugBoston, MA
- cvasilatosGreece
- damienhollis
- edward-yakop
- fordguoShangHai
- iocanelRed Hat
- jefffu
- jeromebridge@pennriver
- jordeuBarcelona
- kranthilakum@qvantel
- marioluca
- MPriess@diva-e
- pugangTokyo
- shuraaUnited States
- SoFabianVienna
- splatch@Code-House @ConnectorIO
- sunlingfeng-daren
- taitaleThe Netherlands
- talkvip
- wordrakBerlin
- zathomasAeroplane Software LLC