- 10
Compile template project
#177 opened by MiladHB - 0
- 6
Installing MiMMO and runnig examples
#176 opened by MiladHB - 4
Lattice with different shapes
#175 opened by sararht - 1
Revision of Laplacian usage in Propagators
#108 opened by roccoarpa - 1
Migrate towards new bitpit:: Vol/Surf/Line Kernels
#109 opened by roccoarpa - 1
I/O OFOAM full interface
#115 opened by edoardolombardi - 1
I/O CGNS full interface
#116 opened by edoardolombardi - 2
Speed up mimmo compile time
#120 opened by roccoarpa - 1
Review of all Class Names
#124 opened by edoardolombardi - 1
Check of auto-collisions for bodies/3DSurfaces
#132 opened by roccoarpa - 0
mimmo: check point cloud generations
#139 opened by edoardolombardi - 1
- 1
Field Operations Block
#156 opened by roccoarpa - 1
- 0
Coverity report run & fixing
#164 opened by edoardolombardi - 0
Review of documentation and files
#165 opened by edoardolombardi - 1
- 3
cmake: Future OpenFOAM versions inclusion
#130 opened by roccoarpa - 0
CMake project review
#137 opened by roccoarpa - 3
- 1
Readme for MinGW-Windows porting
#166 opened by edoardolombardi - 1
Add I/O ports for mimmo block communication
#159 opened by edoardolombardi - 1
PropagateField doxy documentation
#154 opened by roccoarpa - 1
SelectionByElementList doxy documentation
#155 opened by roccoarpa - 1
MimmoFVMesh container fix
#102 opened by roccoarpa - 0
StitchGeometry working with MPI
#104 opened by roccoarpa - 0
CreateSeedsOnSurface block
#105 opened by roccoarpa - 0
Implement parallel distance computing
#112 opened by edoardolombardi - 1
Rework module IOVTK
#118 opened by roccoarpa - 0
review IOWavefrontOBJ block
#136 opened by roccoarpa - 0
- 0
PropagateFields : introducing periodic BC
#110 opened by roccoarpa - 1
Multi-disciplinar topology optimization via PaLS (Parametrized LevelSet)
#142 opened by alessandro-alaia - 2
Rendering Lattice
#140 opened by sararht - 1
- 0
MimmoObject MPI - UpdatePointGhost Data review
#135 opened by roccoarpa - 5
Compact mimmo Binary Stream specialization
#119 opened by roccoarpa - 2
Review of all mandatory ports in Executable blocks
#123 opened by roccoarpa - 2
core: new interface for writing
#125 opened by edoardolombardi - 2
Review vtk plotting in all plotOptionalResults
#122 opened by roccoarpa - 6
ClipGeometry build failing
#129 opened by roccoarpa - 9
Building failed with MIMMO_MODULE_IOOFOAM enabled
#126 opened by s1291 - 1
- 2
Documentation and website of release v1.3
#114 opened by edoardolombardi - 1
Block name and xml parsing
#117 opened by edoardolombardi - 0
Fix only serial release v1.3
#113 opened by edoardolombardi - 1
CGNSPidExtractor internal triangulator
#103 opened by roccoarpa - 0
PropagateVectorField slip surface
#106 opened by roccoarpa - 1
PropagateVectorField dumping in MPI distro
#107 opened by roccoarpa