
A library that allow you tu use puppeteer for PDF generation inside a wrapper for nestjs.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


npm install @gboutte/nestjs-pdf


  imports: [
      pdfOptions: {},
      hbsOptions: {}
  controllers: [],
  providers: [],
export class AppModule {}
pdfOptions The pdf options can be found on: https://pptr.dev/api/puppeteer.pdfoptions
hbsOptions The handlebars can be found on @gboutte/nestjs-hbs
browser The browser to use for the PDF generation. By default: Browser.CHROMIUM. Allowed values Browser.CHROMIUM, Browser.CHROMEHEADLESSSHELL, Browser.CHROME, Browser.FIREFOX, Browser.CHROMEDRIVER (Official documentation of Browser)
browserTag The version of the browser to use for the PDF generation. By default: BrowserTag.STABLE. Allowed values BrowserTag.STABLE, BrowserTag.LATEST, BrowserTag.BETA, BrowserTag.DEV, BrowserTag.CANARY
browserInstallBaseUrl The baseUrl used for the installation of the browser. This baseUrl is passed to the install method of @puppeteer/browsers
headless Define if you want to use chromium headless or not, or the new version. By default it's true. Allowed values: true,false,"new"
useLockedBrowser Define if you want to use the locked version of the browser. By default it's false. Allowed values: true,false
extraPuppeteerArgs It passes some extra arguments to Puppeteer's launch method. You can check the default args at bellow. Should be string[]

Default Puppeteer arguments



You can use the PdfService, there is currently two methods

Description Parameters
generatePdfFromHtml - html: The html to use to generate the pdf
generatePdfFromTemplateString - template: The template string to give to the handlebars service.
- parameters: The parameters to use inside the template
generatePdfFromTemplateFile - file:The template file to give to the handlebars service.
- parameters: The parameters to use inside the template

Here is an example

export class AppController {
  constructor(private readonly pdfService: PdfService) {}

  @Header('Cache-Control', 'none')
  @Header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
  async getPdf() {
    const product = new Product();
    product.amount = 53;

    const pdf = await this.pdfService.generatePdfFromTemplateString(
      '<h1>Title</h1> Product price: {{product.amount}}€',
      { product },

    return pdf;


You can use the command nestjs-pdf install to install the browser you want to use. You can specify 3 parameters:

  • --browser: The browser to use for the PDF generation. Allowed values chromium, chrome, chrome-headless-shell, firefox, chromedriver(Official documentation of Browser)
  • --browser-tag: The version of the browser to use for the PDF generation. Allowed values stable, latest, beta, dev, canary
  • --lock: Define if you want to lock version of the browser. Allowed values true,false


Sometime you need to define the base url for the installation of the browser. You can use the browserInstallBaseUrl parameter to define it. For example if you want to use CHROMEHEADLESSSHELL with STABLE, you may encounter an error like this:

Error: Download failed: server returned code 404. URL: https://edgedl.me.gvt1.com/edgedl/chrome/chrome-for-testing/121.0.6167.184/mac-x64/chrome-headless-shell-mac-x64.zip

You can find the urls here, and as you can the url are starting by https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-for-testing-public.

So you can fix the error by adding the browserInstallBaseUrl parameter like this:


Known issues

  • Currently, the pdf only works with fastify adapter