Documents related to thesis can be found here
Simulator,linearization and control without wrap-around (WA).
To run, execute file plotlinearmodel.m
You can either run saccades starting from zero orientation (c==0), or starting from the last orientation (c==1), given that you provide a .mat file with the goals
You can also plot results directly from a .mat file (loadsacc_flag == 1), provided it has a specific structure: struct with statevec -> state evolution throughout the trajectory tau_optimal -> optimal commands (delta) throughout the trajectory saccade_ts -> saccade optimal duration x_des -> saccade goal
If you load 'pre-tension.mat' you can put pt_test = 1 and run a set of pre-define saccades with different pre-tensions (stated in runlinearmodel.m)
To change pre-tension or elasticity coefficient, do it in runlinearmodel.m
Linearization is in get_jacobian.m
Control algorithm is in optimal_control_with_u_acc.m
Simulator itself is in script_eye_head.m
Forces and torques are computed in compute_eye_torques2.m
FP_5 muscles:
- Head neck model 5 insertion points optimization. Since we have 10 muscles, the other 5 are symmetric
- Run get_insertion_points.m for the full optimization
- Design.m shows a simplified figure of the muscle setup
- setup_simscape.m makes a simscape object from the head neck model
- there is a figure called "muscle_theoretical_setup.png" where you can see which cables correspond to each tendons
- A more detailed analysis of this folder can be found in "DFA_report"
- In a folder called "SolidWorks 2020" the SolidWorks files for the assembly of the model are present (full_model1.SLDASM)
- If you desire to change the meshes use sw_urdf_exporter ( or a similar add-in, then change them in ehn_description/urdf/ehn.urdf
- Head-Neck system modelling for Gazebo simulation. DO NOT USE pre-installed gazebo for ubuntu 18.04.
- It is advised you go through ROS tutorial in ROS Wiki (
- in the devel folder, run "source setup.bash"
- run "$roslaunch ehn_description main_empty.launch"
- note that simulation doesn't start until you press the play button in Gazebo
- I disabled gravity initially. To change this, change in "worlds" folder
- For static analysis there is one file in ehn_description/src which is in development (send_forces.cpp)
- The idea is to create a MATLAB script where you compute static forces and apply them in Gazebo through a topic (static_analysis) (you can check visualization.m to see how this is done)
- I structured the message data (only on the receiving end/subscriber) as: -> data[0:3] - joint thetas (angle of rotation) -> data[4:33] - insertion points for each of the 10 muscles (their individual names are stated in the code) -> data[34:63] - forces applied on each insertion point.
- when developing the MATLAB script, use the same structure when advertising to the "static_analysis" topic
- Objective: at the same time we turn gravity on, we apply the forces given by MATLAB (using FP_5 muscles folder) and check if our force/torque propagation is correct.
Don't forget that you can press the down arrow in "Current Folder" in MATLAB to get a Dependency Report and check where every single function is called, for a faster analysis of the code.
Any questions you might have, please contact me at