A standardized virtual machine (VM) development environment for easily developing Drupal sites in a local sandbox that is essentially identical to a fully-configured hosted solution.
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More Ubuntu dependencies
#72 opened by mparker17 - 0
- 2
- 6
current status
#100 opened by niccolox - 4
Is it still possible to build a fresh install?
#97 opened by mgifford - 1
- 1
Move to vagrant 1.1+
#95 opened by patcon - 4
Duplicate package channel://pear.phpunit.de/File_Iterator-1.3.3 error halts provisioner
#77 opened by mparker17 - 6
Secure mysql credentials for remote servers
#91 opened by patcon - 0
Update knife-solo
#92 opened by patcon - 0
Build ruby cli for first-time setup
#90 opened by patcon - 0
Do config more elegantly
#89 opened by patcon - 2
Create role for pantheon
#87 opened by patcon - 0
Add newrelic support
#88 opened by patcon - 1
Harden security in preparation for deployability
#85 opened by patcon - 0
Swap `vagrant-dns` gem for `vagrant-hostmaster`
#83 opened by patcon - 1
#80 opened by wizonesolutions - 2
Investigate perfomance tweaks
#38 opened by patcon - 3
Provisioning example project fails
#79 opened by wizonesolutions - 3
- 6
- 1
Need to restart terminal application after installing rvm on a brand new machine
#70 opened by darkoantic - 4
Bundler fails to install, gems never loaded after moving to Ariadne gemset on Ubuntu 12.04
#63 opened by mparker17 - 3
- 2
Where did config.yml go?
#65 opened by nerdcorenet - 1
Bundler gets reinstalled on every cd ariadne
#68 opened by darkoantic - 1
Investigate integration with drupal-up
#62 opened by nerdcorenet - 1
To sudo or not to sudo? That is the question.
#61 opened by nerdcorenet - 10
Install phpMyAdmin
#57 opened by patcon - 2
Document development tools and how to use
#29 opened by patcon - 0
Set up Apache Tika
#56 opened by patcon - 3
Reorganize docs
#41 opened by patcon - 5
Clean up custom code in `Vagrantfile`
#47 opened by patcon - 0
Auto-detect number of cpu cores
#33 opened by patcon - 1
Create Ariadne project website using GitHub Pages
#27 opened by patcon - 1
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Make roles/run_list buildable from config/CLI
#49 opened by patcon - 1
Put custom cookbooks up on chef community site
#43 opened by patcon - 1
Add solr 3.5 support
#32 opened by patcon - 0
Support rbenv as rvm alternative
#53 opened by patcon - 0
- 0
Implement test-kitchen gem
#51 opened by patcon - 0
Implement chef-spec for travis-ci
#50 opened by patcon - 0
Make ariadne more extensible
#46 opened by patcon - 0
Doc creation of vmdk image
#45 opened by patcon - 4
Install webgrind frontend for easy xdebugging
#30 opened by patcon - 0
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Spin up DrupalPro and compile task list
#34 opened by patcon - 0
Help with collaboration on single percona cookbook
#31 opened by patcon