Lightweight Multiplatform logging framework for Kotlin. A convenient and performant logging facade.
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- 14
KLogger does not properly populate SLF4J/Logback ILoggingEvent "message" field
#449 opened by neeme-praks-sympower - 4
Problems regarding Android
#359 opened by mahozad - 1
- 1
add missing watchos targets
#437 opened by vdshb - 1
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Add a modifiable factory for SLF4J loggers
#434 opened by freya022 - 2
Needs a WASI target
#433 opened by sgammon - 2
'NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lorg/slf4j/LoggerFactory' in kotlin multiplatform for android target
#432 opened by sgpublic - 4
Add timestamp to the KLoggingEvent
#425 opened by vdshb - 10
[feature-request] support wasm target
#306 opened by VladislavSumin - 5
underlyingLogger got a lot more complex
#349 opened by 2x2xplz - 5
Logger names are empty in JS/IR when declaring loggers via `KotlinLogging.logger {}`
#315 opened by YarnSphere - 5
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Gradle logging
#352 opened by jpink - 4
setting logging level per KLogger instance in run-time
#369 opened by vak - 3
Built JAR Errors - SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"
#372 opened by kuro337 - 4
Why was KLogging deprecated?
#399 opened by dbogdoll - 4
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Android native targets missing.
#407 opened by danbrough - 1
Undo workaround for Gradle issue #11412
#418 opened by severn-everett - 4
Upgrade to Gradle 8.0
#288 opened by yeikel - 15
Problem using LogstashMarker
#360 opened by pandrez - 3
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sflj jdk backend does not recognize class name
#351 opened by Frontrider - 4
Suspending function in curly brackets
#338 opened by recursive-rat4 - 2
Darwin doesn't log stacktraces
#375 opened by Gaming32 - 2
Publish Dokka HTML docs on project site
#382 opened by EdricChan03 - 8
Declaring logger outside the class vs. inside
#364 opened by djkeh - 2
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory
#361 opened by sleeyax - 4
Support for decorator
#312 opened by acktsap - 5
Add support for Android, iOS Native & Windows Native
#314 opened by Laxystem - 4
update sample projects and docs
#337 opened by oshai - 7
Payload not available to JS
#346 opened by robertfmurdock - 6
- 4
Request `LoggingEventAware`(slf4j) support
#319 opened by be-hase - 6
Breaking changes for version 5.x
#329 opened by oshai - 3
Tag character limit on Android 6
#339 opened by dkarv - 2
Android default logging has changed in 4.0.0
#327 opened by benkuly - 17
kotlin-logging version 4.x: breaking changes
#264 opened by oshai - 4
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Default MDC context
#270 opened by edeak - 5
Logging a string is disabled at warn and error levels in LocationIgnorantKLogger
#276 opened by dondod - 5
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Move kotlin-logging from MicroUtils org to oshai
#266 opened by oshai