
Start here: Developer resources for Vipps. The same content is also available at:

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Vipps Developers

Document version: 2.1.3.

This repository contains various resources for Vipps developers, including:

Table of contents

API documentation

See: Getting started.

All Vipps APIs are available here: https://github.com/vippsas


Vipps provides several open source plugins for various web solutions. This table below gives an overview, and the sections below have more details. We update this table as soon as statuses or plans change.

Platform/solution eCommerce Recurring Login Support
Vipps product info Vipps på nett Faste betalinger Vipps Logg Inn -
WooCommerce vipps-woocommerce vipps-recurring-woocommerce - Details
WordPress - - vipps-login-wordpress Details
Magento 2 vipps-magento - vipps-login-magento Details
Magento 1 vipps-magento-v1 - - Details
Episerver vipps-episerver - vipps-login-dotnet -
Drupal vipps-drupal vipps-recurring-drupal vipps-login-drupal Details
Shopify vipps-shopify - - Details
Craft Commerce To be decided. - vipps-craft-login -
Wix Coming by the end of 2020. - - -
BigCommerce To be decided. - - -

Craft Commerce

alt text
eCommerce: To be decided.
Recurring: N/A
Login: vipps-craft-login


Drupal logo
eCommerce: vipps-drupal
Recurring: vipps-recurring-drupal
Login: vipps-login-drupal


Episerver logo
eCommerce: vipps-episerver
Recurring: N/A
Login: vipps-login-dotnet

Magento logo

Magento 2

eCommerce: vipps-magento Support: vipps@vaimo.no or submit an issue on GitHub
Recurring: N/A
Login: vipps-login-magento Support: vipps@vaimo.no or submit an issue on GitHub

Magento 1

eCommerce: vipps-magento-v1 Support: vipps@vaimo.no or submit an issue on GitHub
Recurring: N/A
Login: N/A


Shopify logo
eCommerce: vipps-shopify Support: submit an issue on GitHub
Recurring: N/A
Login: N/A


WooCommerce logo
eCommerce: vipps-woocommerce Support: wordpress.org
Recurring: vipps-recurring-woocommerce Support: wordpress.org
Login: See WordPress.


Wordpress logo
eCommerce: See WooCommerce.
Recurring: See WooCommerce.
Login: vipps-login-wordpress Support: wordpress.org


BigCommerce logo
eCommerce: To be decided.
Recurring: N/A
Login: N/A


Wix logo
eCommerce: Coming soon.
Recurring: N/A
Login: N/A

Status page

The Vipps test environment (MT)

See The Vipps test environment (MT) for more information about general test functionality, the iOS and Android test apps, etc


See our Postman guide or the Postman documentation for more information about using Postman.

Vipps design guidelines

Guidelines, logos, buttons, etc is here: vipps-design-guidelines.

Vipps API servers

  • Test (MT): apitest.vipps.no
  • Production: api.vipps.no

Please note: Vipps may change the IP addresses for the API servers. To ensure that you are whitelisting the correct IP addresses please use these hostnames and DNS, and automatically update your firewall rules if there are DNS changes.

Vipps request servers

Requests made by Vipps are made from the servers specified below. Vipps normally only uses one server at a time, and change servers approximately every three months.

Production (Prod) Disaster recovery (DR) Test (MT)
callback-1.vipps.no callback-dr-1.vipps.no callback-mt-1.vipps.no
callback-2.vipps.no callback-dr-2.vipps.no callback-mt-2.vipps.no
callback-3.vipps.no callback-dr-3.vipps.no callback-mt-3.vipps.no
callback-4.vipps.no callback-dr-4.vipps.no callback-mt-4.vipps.no

The disaster recovery environment is as important as the production environment.

Please note: Vipps may change the IP addresses for the request servers. To ensure that you are whitelisting the correct IP addresses please use these hostnames and DNS, and automatically update your firewall rules if there are DNS changes.

For API products where Vipps makes requests to your servers, please make sure that these request servers are allowed through firewalls, etc.

Additional developer resources


We're always happy to help with code or other questions you might have! Please create an issue, a pull request, or contact us.

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