
Build fails on MacOS Mojave after version 1.3.0 -> ld: library not found for -liberty

klintan opened this issue · 2 comments

Tried building the latest master just now.
I get ld: library not found for -liberty

It is related to backward-cpp, trying to build the latest master of backward-cpp I get the same issue.

Unfortunately I couldn't for my life figure out how to install libiberty on Mac, so created this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61863018/how-do-you-install-library-iberty-for-macos

I went with version 1.3.0 instead, but wanted to flag this one, since there might be more ppl experiencing this issue as of the latest update for backward-cpp

After building on MacOS Ventura (13.2.1) linking liberty was no longer an issue, I don't know if it remains an issue because this discussion has been open for almost 2 years, it also seems like it didn't need an edit in the binutils path, though I disabled SIP.