Pinned issues
- 0
Status of the project.
#66 opened by ostreifel - 13
Save not working
#63 opened by kg-github - 0
Feature request: timer
#64 opened by maasha - 2
Azure Dev Ops User not able to save WIQL queries if they contain an asof parameter
#61 opened by gtrimis - 3
Repo maintenance
#62 opened by MonzT - 10
- 0
Is it possible to search Tags by wildcard?
#60 opened by ijdonaldson - 0
- 0
Ability to edit wiql of unsaved query and also ability to generate wiql query string
#46 opened by mzdimal - 1
- 0
Ejecución vista 360 Fase 2-Postpago
#54 opened by yarcovisth1 - 0
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
WIQL ASOF does ignore System.Tags filter
#50 opened by frankroghair - 1
Query Across Projects Stopped Working
#47 opened by maspbury - 1
Option "Match linked work items first" is missing
#45 opened by irudi - 1
Is possible to use Group by ?
#44 opened by dmstole - 0
_apis/tagging/scopes/ not support
#43 opened by lizhaoting - 2
Don't see the WIQL Editor tab
#42 opened by spam2ignore - 1
- 2
WIQL query only returns first 50 rows of results
#32 opened by prodons - 1
'ever contains tag' functionality disabled
#31 opened by seapeter - 1
Enable TimePrecision
#30 opened by mercury77 - 0
- 1
- 2
Error Saving Query - Unable to get property 'html' of undefined or null reference
#21 opened by yayitserica - 1
Filter by date and time (hour)
#24 opened by bathiyasri2 - 1
Intelisense no longer working in Wiql
#23 opened by RussellSmithGit - 2
Wiql-editor playground no longer working in Edge
#22 opened by hgran - 7
Won't compile - `Cannot find namespace 'monaco'`
#20 opened by pabrams - 1
Enhanced Query Export is no longer including all of the fields from the query - eg. Description
#19 opened by mstrippelhoff - 4
#17 opened by LoriAllen - 0
Cannot edit WIQL for a new query
#18 opened by stewartadam - 2
AsOf will not allow @today - #
#16 opened by bechtner - 1
Query can not be saved
#15 opened by serafJ - 1
Export option doesn't work on TFS 2017/2018
#14 opened by anirudhkoutha - 1
Clicking the browser back button does not navigate back if I click Edit Wiql from a query's results view if you're using Chrome
#13 opened by MarkIannucci - 1
- 1
- 3
two different type of responses in showing using Wiql playground and normal query form postman
#10 opened by yakkalipavan - 1
- 1
Query return
#7 opened by vinijmoura - 5
- 11
- 5
- 3
Create queries and import from wiq files
#4 opened by ostreifel - 1
Unable to Save Query
#3 opened by EisenbergEffect