Pinned Repositories
A very simple dynamic webpage created on Sinatra.
Static Webpage built in Sinatra for learning how to setup a simple webserver.
Google 'parody' static webpage made in HTML 5 and CSS 3 for learning purposes.
A web app that is able to take user input and save it into a file so that the contents can be available once the server restarts.
A Rails App that uses Facebook with the Koala gem interface. The user signs up using a Facebook account and anything posted here will be posted on his/her Wall when authorized.
An iOS app coded in Swift (Xcode 6).The two text fields have labels above them indicating whether the conversion will be for a male/female shoe size.A button pops if the text input is not an Integer. Else, it converts the shoe size from American to European numeration; further documentation on ‘Shoe_Size_Converter > ViewController.swift’.
otamm's Repositories
Caesar cipher creating & breaking gem.
Tutorial app for Rails 4. See more details on
Mobile Web App that allows an user to sign up for courses with access optimized for the the Tizen OS. Developed with Tizen SDK.
Spoof of Bitfountain's swift course 'Age of Laika' assignment. This app converts a number representing a person's age to the equivalent in 'dog years'. It also pops up random facts and "advices".
An iOS app coded in Swift (Xcode 6).The two text fields have labels above them indicating whether the conversion will be for a male/female shoe size.A button pops if the text input is not an Integer. Else, it converts the shoe size from American to European numeration; further documentation on ‘Shoe_Size_Converter > ViewController.swift’.
A postcard app with two windows; the first has an image and a NavBar to move to the second window; the second also has a NavBar to move back to the first and also customization explained in bigger detail in the comments written in the ‘ViewController.swift’ file.All the relevant changes were made in ‘ViewController.swift’ and ‘Main.storyboard’ files.
The final website for the PHP course taught by Brad Hussey.
App for the Ruby on Rails Michael Hartl Tutorial. Unfinished since the 3rd edition for the tutorial came out before I've finished the sample app; it's complete until the start of chap 7.
Exercises + Specs solved for the 'Test-First Ruby' training.
A Rails App that uses Facebook with the Koala gem interface. The user signs up using a Facebook account and anything posted here will be posted on his/her Wall when authorized.
A browser-based Tic Tac Toe game.
A guessing game using jQuery. The user puts a number as an input to a form, the page does not reload until the user hits the ‘restart’ button (which is only visible after the user guesses the number)
A very simple browser-based game written in Javascript. You have a 1-in-10 chance of guessing the correct number. The program calls you a loser if you do not get it right.
An app to create meet ups; the user can only create one while logged in (using GitHub).
An app used to run a couple migrations, all the tables are associated amongst themselves in an appropriate manner.
Some integrated databases; ‘tasks’ is associated with ‘users’ and ‘task lists’; when a ‘tasklist’ is deleted, all the associated tasks are deleted as well, without deleting the entries of the user associated with that task.
xDatabases created and normalized; now the db ‘books’ is related to ‘categories’ and ‘checkouts’ and ’checkouts’ is related to ‘readers’
An application that displays a list of contacts, searches through them, displays 3 entries for each page and has also an ‘add contact’ option with data validation (it redirects the user to the same page before adding any entries if any of the required fields is left blank).
A pair of classes along with the spec tests that ensure they’re working, one (Bounding Box) to create a box in a cartesian surface with a method ‘contains_point?’ that returns ‘true’ if a specific point is within its surface, and another method (Bounding Area) that takes an array of “Bounding Box”s objects as input and has a method ‘contains_point?’ that returns ‘true’ if the point is within any of the boxes and ‘false’ otherwise.
Integration of classes ‘Account’ and ‘Transaction’ along with a server to satisfy the specifications required for the exercise.
Two classes(Deck and Game) to determine both the game structure(‘deck.rb’) and the player and dealer actions (‘game.rb’), as well as the order of the actions performed(‘blackjackgame.rb’).
Minesweeper game divided into two files: the game logic and the game’s minefield logic. Each function of each method in the minefield.rb file is detailed in the in-code comments.
A website that displays a list of recipes from a database and an individual page for each recipe, containing a summary, a list of ingredients and a description of the cooking process.
Everything that it is not after a ‘#’ is hard code; The first file manipules a ready-made database, the second creates and manipulates two table sets.
A website with a sorting algorithm that takes an array of hashes/ file converted to an array of hashes and displays the teams and webpages according to the required and optional specifications for the assignment.
A web app that is able to take user input and save it into a file so that the contents can be available once the server restarts.
Static Webpage built in Sinatra for learning how to setup a simple webserver.
Google 'parody' static webpage made in HTML 5 and CSS 3 for learning purposes.
A very simple dynamic webpage created on Sinatra.