Pinned Repositories
A very simple dynamic webpage created on Sinatra.
Static Webpage built in Sinatra for learning how to setup a simple webserver.
Google 'parody' static webpage made in HTML 5 and CSS 3 for learning purposes.
A web app that is able to take user input and save it into a file so that the contents can be available once the server restarts.
A Rails App that uses Facebook with the Koala gem interface. The user signs up using a Facebook account and anything posted here will be posted on his/her Wall when authorized.
An iOS app coded in Swift (Xcode 6).The two text fields have labels above them indicating whether the conversion will be for a male/female shoe size.A button pops if the text input is not an Integer. Else, it converts the shoe size from American to European numeration; further documentation on ‘Shoe_Size_Converter > ViewController.swift’.
otamm's Repositories
Exercises for day 5.
A small clone of 1024 (