
Only show the top 10 lineages for a mutation report page

flaneuse opened this issue · 0 comments

Similar to #573 -- on pages like https://outbreak.info/situation-reports?xmin=2022-08-13&xmax=2023-02-13&loc=USA&muts=S%3AY505H&selected=USA, there are WAY too many lineages in that bar chart.

  • If there's more than 10 lineages, group those into the "other" bar
  • These lineages should appear in the tooltip on the "other bar"

Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 6 31 07 PM

  • Also: in the "other" tooltip list, please format the numbers to add commas for thousands. BA.2.38 should read: BA.2.38 (9,475 / 12,965)
  • The "expand other" button removes the filter and shows all the lineages available.